Dojo Contest is LIVE!



  • Aloha!

  • Ritwik
    Ritwik Contributor

    Excited to learn more about the "Private Company Board"! We believe that the tool can help us better organize Domo-related questions and comments we receive from our employees. This would also increase transparency and visibility into common questions

  • Looking forward to learning from others in the community and want to learn more about the Private Company Boards

  • Love it; It is a great way to learn new things as well as refresh your knowledge by helping others solve questions. Its awesome to see how other users come with completely different ways to get something done in Domo, that makes it fun and unique. I can't wait to have the opportunity to go to another Domopalooza in Salt Lake City and see you guys again. Domo Arigato Dojo!

    Domo Arigato!

    **Say 'Thanks' by clicking the thumbs up in the post that helped you.
    **Please mark the post that solves your problem as 'Accepted Solution'
  • Hi everyone, can someone please tell me the meaning of CSM or AE as used in the statement below?

    Contact your CSM or AE to request setting up a private company board in the Dojo. 

  • @106004258

    CSM = Customer Success Manager

    AE = Account Executive

    These would be employees at Domo assigned to your company's account.

    **Check out my Domo Tips & Tricks Videos

    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.
  • Thanks...this is lesson 101, I am getting started with the acronyms 😀

  • Dojo is a great tool for sharing ideas and finding solutions. It's great to have a strong user based community for collaboration.

  • Kudos to Domo for improvements to the Dojo! It is already a terrific source of info for solving challenges.

  • Dojo is the first place I look when trying to solve a problem or write a complicated beast mode. I love the insights I find.

  • Dojo is an excellent resource to find the solution to many different kinds of problems but also a great place to post about things I've created within Domo and workarounds for various things that I've come across!

  • I'm looking forward to learn from other users to increase my Domo knowledge and skills. I'm also hoping to find new innovative ideas that could be useful in building out additional tools for my team. The Private Company Board seems like it could also be a valuable resource that I'd like to learn more about.

  • Been lurking and learning a ton over the past year. Excited to now try and give back to the community and looking forward to learning more about the Private Company Board that might help support internal adoption!

  • LoveBindal
    LoveBindal Domo Employee

    Domo has been Gandalf to us Enthusiastic, Curious and Passionate Data Analyst and Scientists who have embarked on the journey of solving real world problems using data analytics. I wish this fellowship of {Awesome interface, Great ETL Features, Wide range of connectors, World class support structure, Amalgamation of Storage-Analysis-Speed, Wide community of experts all over the world who work hard to solve not only theirs but the problem of others as well on Platforms like Dojo} continues to grow and prosper.

  • Our company uses Domo the same way over and over. I find inspiration and ideas for how we should be using Domo through the online learning community.

  • I really have enjoyed having a place to go to that fosters collaboration. It's very helpful seeing what others are struggling with and especially the amazing solutions others have come up with!

  • I am looking to my answers to my DOMO questions and this is the perfect place for doing that.

  • Leveraging Dojo community to solve everyday solutions and opportunity to improve upon existing cards and pages

  • Good stuff. Interested in the company private DOJO for documentation for our card reader only end-users that might not need the deeper tech stuff.

  • Looking forward to continuing to interact with Domo users in and outside of my organization to solve complex problems and utilize the Domo platform to its maximum potential

  • Just getting our feet wet with Domo. So far so good. The community forums have definitely been useful and looking forward to being a contributor — not just a reader.

  • I'm excited to be apart of the community to help solve domo problems and have my own domo questions answered .

  • Lumenstein
    Lumenstein Domo Employee

    Exciting to see the Domo Dojo Community growing and these new enhancements to make engaging fun and rewarding. Thank you!

  • Dojo is the go-to place for community answers to unusual Domo questions.

  • Hello, or should I say "Hello again." I've just reactivated this account after an absence from the BI space.

    Domo has added a lot of features over the years and there's plenty of extra tricks that I've learnt that aren't immediately obvious. Being able to search for 'how do I...' is very useful to anyone in IT, and we're no exception.

This discussion has been closed.