Dojo Contest is LIVE!

AnnaYardley Community Forums Manager
edited September 2021 in Community Announcements


Winners announced at the bottom of this post.

Each user that participates will be entered to win one of five randomly selected $200 Amazon Gift cards! Read through this post and comment below what you're looking forward to using the Dojo for and you'll receive a limited-edition "Dojo Contest" badge. This contest will run from August 31st until September 14th.


Rankings in the Dojo are a reflection of activity and engagement on the Dojo. The rank structure resembles the Karate Belt System ๐Ÿฅ‹ โ›ฉ. Upon registration, each member is given the 'White Belt' rank. A white Belt indicates "a birth of new light," or someone that's just joined the Dojo.

As you ask questions, receive reactions on your posts, and answer other discussions, you will accumulate points. The more points you have = the higher rank association you earn! Receiving positive reactions, answering questions, and earning badges earn you the most points.

A Black Belt signifies the "darkness beyond the sun" -- those that have knowledge continue to pass it on. Black Belt's on the Dojo are our highest level of Super Users ๐Ÿฅท. Members who reach the Blue Belt level and above receive special privileges, including access to a Dojo private board, weekly virtual meet-ups, and exclusive rewards at Domopalooza.ย ย 

Each time you rank up, you'll receive an award!

Rank Structure (in order) & Rewards:

White Belt โšช๏ธ A badge for joining the community

Yellow Belt ๐ŸŸก Access to an exclusive hosted Domo insider video

Orange Belt ๐ŸŸ  $15 Door dash gift card

Green Belt ๐ŸŸข $50 Amazon Gift Card

Purple Belt ๐ŸŸฃ Access to Private Super User board

Blue Belt ๐Ÿ”ต Insider Super User weekly meeting group invite, Super User Badge

Brown Belt ๐ŸŸค $100 Amazon gift card

Red Belt ๐Ÿ”ด Free ticket to Domopalooza (if in person), ability to add new tags names to the community

Black Belt โšซ๏ธ Physical black belt display with your name embroidered, VIP Spotlight article on Dojo, Black belt Badge, Domopalooza Rewards and Events



There are over 100 types of badges available to be awarded to YOU based on certain criteria. Badges are available for hitting a minimum metric number (EX: 3 solutions, 100thย like, 5 LOL's) and attending events (EX: Domopalooza 2020). The more engaged you are on the Dojo, the more badges you can earn. All badges earn you points. Visit your profile page to see what badges you have earned already.

Visitย thisย page to see a list of all possible badges available to earn on the community.

If you are missing a custom badge that you've earned, goย hereย > click on the badge you are missing > click "Request Badge." From here, moderators can approve your request and you will get the badge if you rightfully earned it!



Private company boards in the Dojo are the best way to communicate specific Domo cases internally. This board is only visible to Dojo users that log in from your company.ย 

One of the best perks to using the Dojo to communicate internally is the Rich editor. Rich editor allows you to easily format text, embed code, embed media links, attach photos, use headings, and upload files to posts. It covers all the bases needed for conversation around Domo product questions . Learn how to use Rich editor here.ย 

Unlike using slack or other communication services, conversations are easy to go back and reference. Each conversation stays in a thread and can have a marked "accepted answer" which can be helpful for later search and problem solving.ย 

Contact your CSM or AE to request setting up a private company board in the Dojo.ย 

Now, comment below what you're looking forward to using the Dojo for and you'll receive the limited-edition Dojo Contest badge, and be entered to win one of five $200 Amazon gift cards! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

Five Randomly Selected Winners: @reid_sanchez , @Sell_the_Wings , @GrantSmith , @cbalter5 , @mcgeete , CONGRATS!



  • theCHIVE
    theCHIVE Contributor

    Awesome stuff!

    We've been using DOMO for about 7 years and it's good to see the crowd sourcing arm get some TLC!

  • HowDoIDomo
    HowDoIDomo Contributor
    edited August 2021

    Like zcameron said, I like being able to see how others are using DOMO and how I can use it to support my company. I love the fact that there is such a robust community that I never have to wait long for someone to assist me. I still have a lot to learn about how to use DOMO effectively. But, what I do know for sure is that the dojo and all the other users will help me get there!

  • Love all of the vast resources at the Dojo! Great to collaborate with so many other Domo users.

  • Looking forward to the Private Company Board functionality!

  • Dojo's great for finding solutions to problems that are just outside a normal use case.

  • mhouston
    mhouston Contributor

    I really appreciate being able to poll the broader community for ideas when I get stuck (as the only analyst in my company) and seeing the many different ways other people use the platform! (also I am a sucker for gamification so I want the badge too).

  • Sharing and checking the status of features in the Ideas Exchange

  • I like exploring Dojo to learn how other are using Domo and what sort of things they are trying to do that i haven't thought of yet

  • Looking forward to learning how others use Domo and potentially sparking new ideas!

  • The Dojo was a valuable knowledge repository as I was first learning Domo. I come here before opening support tickets or searching google with a high percentage of my questions already answered in the Dojo -- but I also enjoy the open exchange of ideas, best practices, and seeing the SME's who jump in to address open questions. Thanks!

  • The Private Company Board could prove very useful for us. Looking forward to seeing what it has to offer.

  • If you want answers this place got them;)

  • I like money AND badges. I like using the Dojo to find answers to Workbench, ETL, and Card building questions.

    Please LOL my responses and posts whenever you see them. Thanks.

  • I'm excited to connect with like-minded Dojos, grow my Domo skills, and gain new badges. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • I am looking forward to deeper engagement and commitment from Domo in this space. Account teams should be directing users to the Dojo. It would be a huge win for Domo because so many first level support questions can be answered here. Perhaps cost savings on support could then be allocated to rewarding those who are supporting the user base with their contributions here!

    I am also looking forward to receiving the Black Belt I earned on the old platform! (@Anna Yardley )

    Breaking Down Silos - Building Bridges
    **Say "Thanks" by clicking a reaction in the post that helped you.
    **Please mark the post that solves your problem by clicking on "Accept as Solution"
  • DHunt
    DHunt Domo Employee

    The Dojo is such a great place for finding answers and collaborating with others to solve problems. Saves time and is fun too.

  • LAFligg
    LAFligg Contributor

    I always learn something new when I visit the Dojo! Also, I appreciate the community's helpful nature and camaraderie because at the end of the day, we are all on a Domo Journey so we might as well enjoy the ride together ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I have only been using Domo for a couple of years; so, I am not sure even a white belt is appropriate for me. There is something really great about people from so many different backgrounds and industries coming together in a place like this to help reach other, because we all use the same tool.

  • kivlind
    kivlind Contributor

    Dojo is a great place to go when things get 'complicated' for us. Love the multiple solutions that get proposed as well. Great resource!

  • The Dojo was very helpful to me when I first started. Now I use it to help out others and learn new and better ways to accomplish things.

    **Check out my Domo Tips & Tricks Videos

    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.
  • Looking forward to collaborating with other Domo users and ranking up in the Dojo! I really enjoy reading the solutions that everyone has to various problems, and I hope to contribute in this forum! Hooray for Dojo Badges!! ๐Ÿ˜

  • Dojo is great for finding answers that might not be available elsewhere, I enjoy reading others ways of doing things and improving my own knowledge.

This discussion has been closed.