Change a number to a text


I have an 'ID' field that has been imported into Domo as a number but I need it to be a label or text.  I can see how to go from a text to a number but how to go from a number to a text?  What is the beast mode logic that will allow me to make this update?


  • John_Wayne

    I don't know the best/right way, but here's a workaround that I've used before. In a Bease Mode, just put the number field inside of a string function. Example: TRIM('ID')

  • MarkSnodgrass

    I would suggest using Magic ETL and using the Set Column Type operator. You can then tell it that you want it to be a text field and you wouldn't have an extra field created when you create a Beast Mode Field. If you are not wanting to create an ETL, the TRIM function as stated above looks like the best option. 

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