Multiple orderby and groupby


Good day, I'm trying to get data where my Lot Numbers repeat and I want to consolidate them in 1 single record. This is the code I tried for retreiving the data:


dataString='/data/v1/reserve?filter=Org='+ orgFilter + ', Planner='+ pcFilter + '';//'&groupby=LotNumber';

It does get the records and groups them, but instead of showing for example the Part Number, it displays a number (I assume it's the ID)...

I attach a snapshot of the output of this line of code (replacing the blank quotation marks with the commented string).


Any ideas on what's wrong with this?


Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • zcameron
    zcameron Domo Employee
    Answer ✓



    If you don't specify an aggregation for the fields, you'll get the following behavior, as described in the Data API reference on


    By default, numerical columns are summed and unique entries of non-numerical columns are counted. Can be combined with an aggregation to override this default behavior.


    So what you're seeing is count of records for each of the string fields (Part Number, Description, etc.), and a sum for numeric fields (quantity).


    If you want to see the part number, you'd need to add it to your groupby clause (groupby=LotNumber,PartNumber). That means, though, that you're going to be getting one record per combination of lot number and part number. If you have multiple lots of the same part, you'll see a record for each lot with the part number repeated on each record.


    I hope that helps!


  • zcameron
    zcameron Domo Employee
    Answer ✓



    If you don't specify an aggregation for the fields, you'll get the following behavior, as described in the Data API reference on


    By default, numerical columns are summed and unique entries of non-numerical columns are counted. Can be combined with an aggregation to override this default behavior.


    So what you're seeing is count of records for each of the string fields (Part Number, Description, etc.), and a sum for numeric fields (quantity).


    If you want to see the part number, you'd need to add it to your groupby clause (groupby=LotNumber,PartNumber). That means, though, that you're going to be getting one record per combination of lot number and part number. If you have multiple lots of the same part, you'll see a record for each lot with the part number repeated on each record.


    I hope that helps!

  • MartinB

    Thanks! That fixed my issue.

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