Need suggestion on how to bring in huge amount of Adobe Analytics data

WizardOz Contributor

Hello, I am using Adobe Analytics Advanced connector to export data.  I created my own dataset by using Intermediate -custom for report type, I selected 4 elements and 10 metrics.  I also setup the following to include as much data as possible. However, because the data set is too big, I could not pull them into Domo via the connector - I tried to pull just one month data without success,  after 10 hours, it failed with "Domo is ready, but Adobe Analytics took too long to respond" message.  Even for pulling only 1 day's data took 1.5 hours.  I need to get last year's data into Domo, can any one give me some suggestions on how to pull the large amount of adobe data into Domo?   Thank you.  Olivia

