Pipedrive Integration Not Reporting on Custom Fields

I have a Pipedrive Integration set up but I am having an issue when I try to report on Custom Fields created in Pipedrive.  The field name is coming up as numbers and does not show the proper name. Ex: Specialty.  This is a custom field created in Pipedrive in which users can select "PCP", "Cardiology" etc.  When I try to create a card in Domo with a graph... it just comes up as "552" and "4356" instead of displaying the field name.  Can anyone help?  This is huge and we will have to cancel our Domo license if this can not be fixed.





  • KaLin
    KaLin Member

    Can someone help with this issue?

  • I really would love to hear from somone on this issue.  We have been testing out other solutions because we can not get this to work.  I love this product but can not seem to get that issue fixed.

  • Hi, 


    The custom fields come with a key of characters (which is their API Key) So you need to get the translation of this key.


    You will find them in your parameters --> Customize fields --> third column you have "API key"


    In the end just make a table that translates you the fields in their proper name, thank to a google sheet for example