Alerts Functionality

Looking for some best practice help around using alerts. So far, we like alerts, but they seem to work the best at a top line level, overall department changes, etc.

Our structure has a group of managers over a large number of accounts (approx 30 managers for approx 900 accounts). Each manager is in need of tracking their accounts over a large variety of metrics. We have been able to utilize publication groups to limit the cards to the managers specific accounts. We have not been able to address specific alerts for their brands.


Example: Mark manages Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper and RC. If I have brands running across the X axis, I can set a notification if any of the items change by a certain percentage or dollar amount. So far so good.


If more than one brand triggers the alert, we only get notified about the first, not the remainder of the brands. We would love to have an alert sent for each brand represented when it is triggered, not just for Pepsi and then go into the data and see Coke also triggered.


I know we can build a specific alert for each brand for each metric we are tracking, but managing hundreds of individual cards just for alerting seems to be a pretty big task.


Anyone have experience with managing lots of brands or categories and successfully utilizing alerts with this?


  • Hi all,

    Can anybody help out @McSwag?


  • @btm @product_John this may be a product enhancement. We need guidance on whether this is planned yet or not. Otherwise we will have @McSwag post this in the ideas exchange.



  • @McSwag: Great question! I work as a product manager here at Domo, and we've received this same request from several customers. This feature is currently in development and will be available for beta early 2017.


    Would you be open to reviewing some of our designs to make sure they cover your use cases? If so, send me a private message, and we'll get something on the schedule.

  • Count me in! Will send a message to get this scheduled.

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