Data Extraction API- Column Names not Returned


In the data extraction API, I am not sure how to receive the column names of the data table that is returned.  Is this coming in the future?  Will data be returned in JSON ever, or is it going to stick to CSV format for the foreseeable future?  

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  • Gavatar
    Gavatar Domo Product Manager
    Answer ✓

    I'm not sure I understand the question but I'll give it a shot. Here is what we have. To get the schema or the "column names" you call the API Get DataSet MetaData. To get the actual data you call the API Pull Data. Both of these only return CSV format for now. We can look at adding a JSON format in the future.  

    Perhaps you are just saying it would be nice to get the first row to include the schema on the Pull data download. I think that would be a nice option also. 

    We are currently working on exposing a lot more attributes on the datasets so you can do many very interesting things like dataset owner and when it was last updated.




  • Molleby

    I have the same problem. A little surprising, because the documentation makes it look as if you get the headers in the data result.


    However, it seems you can get the information if you just fetch the metadata for the data set, so I'm doing that first, and use that to build my table headers before I populate the rest with data.

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @gitzman, please feel free to post this feature request in our "Ideas" section. 

  • Gavatar
    Gavatar Domo Product Manager
    Answer ✓

    I'm not sure I understand the question but I'll give it a shot. Here is what we have. To get the schema or the "column names" you call the API Get DataSet MetaData. To get the actual data you call the API Pull Data. Both of these only return CSV format for now. We can look at adding a JSON format in the future.  

    Perhaps you are just saying it would be nice to get the first row to include the schema on the Pull data download. I think that would be a nice option also. 

    We are currently working on exposing a lot more attributes on the datasets so you can do many very interesting things like dataset owner and when it was last updated.



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