

How do I change a grand total from Sum to Average?

I have the below pivot table. I want the grand total to be an average, not a total. When I changed the aggregation to average, the grand total line disappeared; see second screenshot. The column Sales Difference is a formula calculated in ETL, so I am not sure if that is the problem.


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Best Answers

  • Coach
    Answer ✓

    Hello, I'll refer you to the Knowledge Base Article on Summary Numbers which will explain much better than I can. Hope it woks for you!

  • Answer ✓

    You should be able to get an average in the total row by switching the aggregation to average the way you did. There's something else going on. Maybe a lot of nulls in the data? Or you accidentally clicked "Hide total" option on the measure?

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.


  • I don't believe that you can choose an average of a sum in the total row, but you could display the average in the summary number instead.

  • Thank you. Can you clarify what you mean by the summary number?

  • Coach
    Answer ✓

    Hello, I'll refer you to the Knowledge Base Article on Summary Numbers which will explain much better than I can. Hope it woks for you!

  • Answer ✓

    You should be able to get an average in the total row by switching the aggregation to average the way you did. There's something else going on. Maybe a lot of nulls in the data? Or you accidentally clicked "Hide total" option on the measure?

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.


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