Sorting Day of Week on the X-Axis


I'm working on a card where I want to represent the data by Day of Week, I've used the beastmode formula Dayname() to get myself the day of week of the date I require, however when I plot it with the days' names on the X-axis, I'm not sure how do I sort them so that it goes from Monday through Sunday.

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    You’d need to create another beast mode with a case statement to return a numerical value for the day and order you want

    CASE WHEN DAYNAME(`date`) = 'Sunday' then 8 ELSE DAYOFWEEK(`date`) end

    DAYOFWEEK returns 1-7 for Sunday-Saturday the case statement just shifts Sunday to 8 so it’s last

    Put this beast mode in your sorting section on your card to then order your days

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    You’d need to create another beast mode with a case statement to return a numerical value for the day and order you want

    CASE WHEN DAYNAME(`date`) = 'Sunday' then 8 ELSE DAYOFWEEK(`date`) end

    DAYOFWEEK returns 1-7 for Sunday-Saturday the case statement just shifts Sunday to 8 so it’s last

    Put this beast mode in your sorting section on your card to then order your days

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  • Thank you @GrantSmith!