Can You Display Keywords in Smart Text

Using summary numbers in notebook cards is extremely helpful, but is it possible to display a dynamically inserted top performing creative type, ad group or keyword using similar logic in a notebook card.

In other words. Can you display a Dimension value dynamically based on a specific criteria?

Thanks in advance for any help

Best Answer


  • Hi @John_Bridges ,

    If the dimension is a filter you can add that. Is that what you're trying to do?

    John Le

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  • Generally the dimension I'm looking to display is text field not a filter.

    As an example we pull in Search Engine Marketing campaign details from google that include Ad groups and Keywords. I would love in a summery card to have "keyword 1" display as a smart text based on a criteria like total number of clicks it's received in that data set.

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I would suggest looking at the dynamic textbox card to do this rather than smart text. You can use the category name for the keyword and the value to show the # of clicks (if you want).

    The Multi-value gauge card is also highly configurable and could be an option for you as well

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