What kind of in-dashboard navigation is possible?


I'm looking to connect a few dashboards together through in-dashboard navigation. What kind of navigation is possible in a Domo dashboard? I'm looking for OOTB as well as custom options.

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can configure cards on dashboards to link to other objects within Domo so you can have them link to another dashboard. If you're wanting to go to a specific section (like an HTML anchor tag) this isn't currently supported.

    Some cards do support HTML coding directly within them (table cards) such that you can have the link go to another URL when the link is clicked on.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can configure cards on dashboards to link to other objects within Domo so you can have them link to another dashboard. If you're wanting to go to a specific section (like an HTML anchor tag) this isn't currently supported.

    Some cards do support HTML coding directly within them (table cards) such that you can have the link go to another URL when the link is clicked on.

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