SFTP Pull Connector

edited October 2023 in Connectors

I'm trying to automate the import of a few csv files from an sftp. I've connected to the sftp through FileZilla, using the Hostname, Port, Username and Password, but when I try to connected using the CSV SFTP Pull Connector there is not a place to enter the port, and the connection times out. There aren't many options for different things to try. Eventually I'd like to be able to specify a file path. Any hints?



  • ArborRose

    I do this with code outside of Domo. I created a small visual basic executable that downloads from an sftp site, to a local file. It then copies and renames the file to something easy for me to upload into Domo using Domo Workbench. I also copy a dated version to a folder so I can keep a history.

    You can also script with WinSCP. But that's probably similar to what you are doing with FileZilla.

    The following is a generic version of code in case its helpful to someone -

    To download an Excel file from an SFTP server using VB.NET, you can use the SSH.NET library, which provides SSH and SFTP functionality. You'll need to install the SSH.NET NuGet package to your project.

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  • ArborRose

    If interested in scripting with WinSCP, here's a link to some examples.


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