ETL Blank values help


I have 2 datasets I am appending together and want advice on how to handle null values. For example, one dataset has ID,Name, CustID and one is just ID and CustID. How would I use ID in order to fill in another column with 'Name'. For example:

Looks like:

ID Name

1 John

1 (Null)

Want to look like:

ID Name

1 John

1 John

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @renee12345 You can use a Group by tile on the data that includes Name to find the First Non-Null value for Name by ID. Then join that to the data without name on ID to fill in the Name column before appending.


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @renee12345 You can use a Group by tile on the data that includes Name to find the First Non-Null value for Name by ID. Then join that to the data without name on ID to fill in the Name column before appending.

  • renee12345

    thanks @MichelleH !! Saving the day again