Average Function in Summary not calculating as per card level aggregation

Here is a Scenario
My Data is at Monthly Level so 1 value corresponds to each month.

e.g. 01 Jan 2022 - 100 , 01 Feb 2022 - 200 , 01 Jan 2023 - 300 , 01 Feb 2023 - 400

Now in Card Summary I have selected Value column and Average Function

When I select Graph by - Month Summary figures value comes up as 250 (1000/4)

But when I select Graph by - Year , Summary figures value remains same (250) even though no of records in rssults are reduced to 2 in graph with values of 300 & 700. so expected average at yearly level should be 500.

So please help me understand whether this summry average function is not working correctly or my expectation is worng ??

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @Chintan The Graph by setting only controls the way the data is grouped in the chart itself. For example, if you are using a bar graph with the date on the X-axis the Graph by controls how many bars are used to group the data but it does not change the number of data rows included in the chart and summary number. So for your data, all four months are still included in the chart regardless of the graph by settings, so the summary number does not change.

    On the other hand the date range settings control how many rows are included in the chart and summary number. So if you set the date range to "All Time", the chart will include all four months, where "This Year" only includes January and February of 2023.


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @Chintan The Graph by setting only controls the way the data is grouped in the chart itself. For example, if you are using a bar graph with the date on the X-axis the Graph by controls how many bars are used to group the data but it does not change the number of data rows included in the chart and summary number. So for your data, all four months are still included in the chart regardless of the graph by settings, so the summary number does not change.

    On the other hand the date range settings control how many rows are included in the chart and summary number. So if you set the date range to "All Time", the chart will include all four months, where "This Year" only includes January and February of 2023.