Variables permissions on dashboard level

Jakub_S Member
edited December 2023 in Variables Ideas

Hi Domo Community!

I wanted to raise one idea regarding the variables permissions that I believe might improve the adoption of this feature while still making sure this is controlled in terms of their governance.

As the variables are saved on the instance level (not e.g. dataset as the beast modes), we wanted to limit the number of users who can create them to avoid multiple variables creation that can serve the same purpose. That's why we've created "generic" variables (few text inputs, numeric and date ones) that are available for users when creating a beast mode.

Such approach however has its major drawback as apparently, even though the users might use the existing variable in a beast mode, they cannot edit the control with a variable on a dashboard level (to change its values, change the control type, default values etc). At the stage of saving a dashboard, below message appears:

To sum up, without a below grant, users will have no option to modify the instance of a variable control and place it into a dashboard:

I think separating the creation of variables from using them (or editing on dashboard instance) would be very beneficial.

We've raised it to Domo using our communication channels, but wanted to share this with a wider audience.


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