Colour condition for words in a string

NateBI Contributor

Hi Folks,

Does anyone know how to create a beastmode that colour conditions each word in a string within a single cell for a table visual?

For example:

These values have to remain joined by the '/' delimiter so I won't simply separate them into columns.

All responses appreciated

Kind regards,


  • You could utilize an HTML table and utilize HTML code to colorize each value in your string. You'd need to CONCAT the HTML code together with your values and conditionally set the color. I've done a previous writeup on this here:

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  • You could also utilize a regular expression to modify your string and automatically insert the HTML code.

    Something like this might work assuming your values are actual colors (untested)

    REGEXP_REPLACE(`RAG History`, '.*((Yellow)|(Red)|(Green)).*', '<div><span style="color: $1">$1</span></div>')
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  • NateBI
    NateBI Contributor

    @GrantSmith Thanks I'll give it a try and update this thread.