Best of July 2017!

Greetings, July was another very string month in Dojo! 


@RGranada had an EPIC month and broke some records in Dojo posting 100 times!!He delivered 13 solutions, received 49 likes while giving 43 likes and suggesting 1 idea. His contributions have now earned him a Dojo Blue Belt, CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Other big contributors in July were:


@Tomo who delivered 5 solutions on 27 posts, received 34 likes and gave 10 likes and suggested 5 ideas. He also earned his Dojo Purple belt! Congratulations!!!

@AS with 4 solutions only 7 posts, had 15 likes received and 7 likes given

@DBandrew delivered 4 solutions on 16 posts, gave and received 8 likes

@swagner posted 28 times delivering 1 solution, received 29 likes while giving 22 and suggested 2 ideas

@ST_-Superman-_ posted 17 times delivered one solution, received 15 likes gave 8 and suggested 2 ideas.


Congratulations guys!!


Other solution providers with one each: 


















Top liked authors were led by  ぐっさん with 39 likes! while all the following had more than 10:


@Kaushik@KateVanBuskirk@SeanPT@honda@cmarutzky@kwmier@amak24@RobynLinden, and @AvecWizard


Top liked givers were: @Hua with 63, @KateVanBuskirk 56 and @RGranada with 43!


51 Ideas were received in July leading the way were:

@KateVanBuskirk and @Tomo with 5 each

@Kurbz and ぐっさん with 3 each

@swagner@ST_-Superman-_@kwmier@jonathanlooker@cmarutzky@humpherys@nruts36 and @AshfordMH all delivered 2 ideas.


The following all suggested one idea!




Thanks everyone for the tremendous collaboration and content creation in July! Let's keep it going in August!

We have an improved UI coming for September, stay tuned for an even better Dojo experience in desktop and mobile!



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