Welcome to the Domo Best Practices Board!



We are excited to create this board where our Domo experts can share best practices! You need to be logged in to Dojo to access this board! We will post here on a regular basis some of our most valuable content on best practices from our Help Center.


At the same time we encourage everyone to post, share and crowd source on any Domo best practice.


I will be tracking our top members based on posts made, likes received and solutions delivered on a monthly basis who will be granted Dojo specific recognition. Every quarter we our top members will earn Domo swag!


The idea for this board came from a recent member meet up and the need for us to have one place to share best practices. This was also spawned from the contest we ran earlier in the year where customers shared their best cards, Domo stories and Beast Mode formulas. You can read their stories here.


Looking forward to some great dialogue here!





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