Best of March 2016



March was an exceptionally strong month with our second annual conference Domopalooza 2016 which was a huge success. The Dojo membership and engagement levels witnessed big upside as more customers join and engage in our community.


@Godzilla had a great month delivering 7 solutions, posting 12 times and receiving 10 likes. He also became the first customer to earn his Purple Belt congratulations!!!


Leading the stats for the month were 

@cr1ckt with 32 posts, 25 likes received, 20 ideas posted and 12 idea comments, simply AMAZING!!!

@gaurav007 also had a great month with 16 posts and 34 likes received and 8 ideas posted, Outstanding!!!

@tc also had a very strong March with 26 posts, 9 ideas posted and 5 likes received.


Our top solution providers for March were:

@Godzilla with 7

@ckatzman with 4

@Godiepi with 2

@gaurav007@cmarkum@Shevy@CantStopTheHopp@Devinr@JPINTO and @Micah all delivering one solution during the month.


Other authors of note who were very well liked in March: @newbie 24 likes, @RobynLinden 21 likes, @Andrew 18 likes,  @wantwine, 14 likes, @jvenlet 14 likes, @ckatzman@nlombardini & @Godzilla all had 10 likes.


Great contributions everyone!!!









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