DomoAI Chat History is Missing
I can't retrieve my DomoAI chat history. I thought it may have been because of a recent reset of my Google Chrome browser (complete wipe of all cache and cookies). But any new chat sessions after that are not available. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks! Kelly
Changing Column Names for App Studio Forms
First time user of App Studio Forms. After submitting tests to see how the data would be captured I noticed that several columns were named Untitled_Field_x or had names that I'd like to change but can't. My first thought was that if I copied the final, finished form with all questions properly named and created a new…
Dashboard Default Filter View not shown with Scheduled Report
We'd like to include the default Filter View of a dashboard when scheduling the page as a report, so that the primary column filters are available as shown in the screen capture below. However, when someone clicks on the received email they see the Close Report / Save Filters to Report options and the default filters are…
Pivot Table Summary Number is Blank on Dashboard
We're trying to use a pivot table card within a dashboard, just showing the Summary Number to guide users to expand the card to see all pivot table details. However the Summary Number does not display at all. This is the card value we're trying to show This is the end result within the dashboard, along with the Display…
DomoR Datatype Conversions
I'm using DomoR to fetch a dataset and a column that should be text is being read in as col_double(). Many values are only digits, but other values contain characters so must be read as a text field. Is there a way I can control for the incoming datatype so I don't lose those character fields? An example of the error…
Qualtrics Quickstart connector failed
Has anyone successfully used the Quatlrics Quickstart? I'm getting an error on the Surveys dataset, so the dashboard is not completing successful. The error message is not clear to me, so thought I'd ask for some help. Screenshot of the error included below. Thanks
Exclude MajorDomo training datasets from counting against licensed maximums
As we go through Domo training, some of the datasets to use in certification tests can be quite large. They currently count against row count or consumption model credits, so it would be helpful that they not count against us as they're only used during training and will be deleted once we are finished with them. Thanks.