Can you provide a sample/anonymized data table of how your data is structured to help us better understand your use case?
What are you wanting to do with Microsoft Teams as part of your workflow?
I don't believe there is. I'd recommend logging a ticket in the idea exchange. Alternatively you can redo your underlying data architecture to give yourself more control over how the data is displayed by using a custom period over period ETL. I've written about this here:…
What type of error are you getting? APIs can have many different types of errors with different resolutions. Are you reviewing the API's documentation to pass authentication and requests properly? The JSON No Code connector is one I'll utilize for connecting to another JSON API endpoint
How did it not work? Did it return the wrong numbers or not return anything?
If they're always in the same position with the same ' - ' separator you can use SPLIT_PART SPLIT_PART(`string`, ' - ', 7) SPLIT_PART(`string`, ' - ', 8)
I'd recommend reviewing the KB article about embedding content outside of Domo: This outlines your options and how to get it setup.
I'd recommend logging a ticket with Domo Support for them to look into their connector.
How are you calling this API? Are you using a Jupyter Notebook or a workflow? A Python tile in an ETL?
You'll need to log a ticket with Domo Support to have them assist you with this backend issue.
The supported pydomo package doesn't have a way to do this however you can monitor the network traffic when saving or creating a new SQL dataflow to get an idea of the API endpoints you can call with a package like requests to call these endpoints. You'll need to make sure you have a developer token and pass it along as a…
You could leverage the DomoStat datasets to get dataflow inputs and dataflow outputs, join them together where the DataFlow IDs are the same and the dataset IDs are the same, this will give you a list of recursive dataflows.
You could leverage the DomoStat datasets to get dataflow inputs and dataflow outputs, join them together where the DataFlow IDs are the same and the dataset IDs are the same, this will give you a list of recursive dataflows.
@paddylillard - Glad this post brought you a solution! Thanks for sharing the steps you used to find the proper email address. It'll be helpful for others who are having this same issue.
When a date is imported into Domo it's assumed that it's UTC. If you want to treat it as a date then you'll need to import it as a date. If the date doesn't align with what you're expecting due to the time zones then you'll need to use a Timezone transform and import it with the timezone your source system is set with.…
In your schema you can define it as a STRING instead of a DATETIME so it'll import the characters exactly as defined.
Changing ownership of the API Clients isn't possible as this isn't a security best practice. Due to your former user having access to these codes they would technically still have access to them and could potentially still access your platform. I'd highly recommend cycling out these credentials and creating new ones. Yes…
it’s likely the case that one of your datasets has duplicate key columns causing your rows to get duplicated. Double check your join condition to make sure it’s joining correctly
As this is an error with the Campaigns product I'd recommend logging a ticket for Domo Support to take a look into this error.
As this is an error with the Campaigns product I'd recommend logging a ticket for Domo Support to take a look into this error.
If your AI queries are inconsistent then it likely doesn't have enough context to give you a valid response back. Do you have any other fields you can attempt to include in your dictionary that give more context? Is there more data you can train it on?
Since there isn't a connector you might try utilizing the Dataverse Web API and the JSON No Code connector to pull the data directly via the API.
If you inspect the developer console is it throwing any errors? I've recently seen errors where an app won't load in an embed due to the Content Security Policy directive. You may need to log a ticket with Domo Support [Report Only] Refused to frame '' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy…
I'd recommend using a tool like Postman to test out your API to see if it's returning valid JSON for a full request rather than using the preview.
You can't make the dashboard wider unless you select auto. As for the alignment issue I reccomend moving your cards down to a new row to see if that will allow them to reset to the proper width.
Since you're usign Python I'd recommend utilizing the pydomo package which has examples on how to rename datasets.
You might be able to leverage the JSON No Code connector and dynamically loop through a dataset with different values to then query the different API endpoint however it requires knowledge of APIs and sending the proper authentication across. Alternatively you could write your own Domo connector to do this. Otherwise you…
Due to how the connector is written you'll need separate connectors to pull the different data. I'd recommend logging an idea in the idea exchange to allow the connector to pull multiple URLs. You might be able to look into the JSON No Code connector to dynamically create the different URLs to pull the data but requires…
As this is an issue with the Domo backend, Domo Support would need to be the one to help assist you with the error. You could attempt to recreate the dataset to see if that'll get around your issue.
Based on how the API works it's likely currently not possible. I'd recommend adding an idea to the idea exchange to allow for this connector to query all users and pull all meetings.