@AndreaHenderson Just tried this and little things like this save me massive amounts of time in the long run. Appreciate all this!!
@verytiredgirl Here's the video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMO9DSRHous
Hi @verytiredgirl , I too am very tired…always. I made a video answer to show you some other ways to get what you're looking for: https://www.loom.com/share/e7ed0fc24db2472cbaf39fafa022ef3b?sid=c57b10fa-5a9b-4833-9ffd-3d9862f22ddd
Hi @calvert_schaefer , You could use variables to help you out instead of using the prebuilt compare to fields in the date dropdown. I made a video to show you: https://www.loom.com/share/601578f4d58149aeabc5fcc1c6ac4bab?sid=36378d0e-22b0-4a88-bfcd-7a7d3569bc7a
Hi @Data_Devon , I made a video answer to hopefully answer this for you. You have a couple options such as Xing out the filters on drill paths or just making the card open another card when clicked.
Hi @dianemairet , Yep you can use a bunch of different connectors that pull from file name rather than file ID. I made you a video to explain this better: https://www.loom.com/share/f8b38ceba0014fe58e46c25c7cf62248?sid=331ef3f6-e94c-4275-a48e-335fe3646b6b
Hi @dianemairet , Your best bet is probably to use Domo Workbench. That way you can just schedule it. However one thing is your computer has to be on for the program to run.
Hi @Data_Devon , Let me know if you want me to show you what I do. I have dashboards that show me how many views they get, most active people etc. That way we know which dashboards are getting the most engagement. https://www.dashboarddudes.com/domo-help
@ColemenWilson can't share the praise with @Tasleema or @ellibot! "You're either first or last"- Colemen/ Ricky Bobby
Thank you @Tasleema and @Elliott_Leonard. Plan A is to ask Domo to allow for the 1 min frequency and plan B is the workflow email send. I just did it and it's working great as a solution.
@KandiKraner While not a column name change, you can use the +SmartText to change the title of cards to be kind of dynamic. So if you're open to that, it's an option.
@Elliott_Leonard also suggested a workflow as an option. So possible solutions so far: Work with Domo directly Workflow Webhook WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment/Federation)
@virank I can help you here as I do marketing. Okay so you can do a couple things: You can connect Mailchimp or Constant Contact or Klaviyo, etc to Domo via connectors to get analytics on which campaigns have the best CTOR (Click to Open Rate: Unique Clicks to Unique Opens) You can also connect SEMRush to get insights into…
@AmyMcC I can help. I was trying to make you a video like I normally do for people, but running into internet issues this week. Okay so when you pull a report, like campaign, you have to go to metrics and pull cost_micros. However you then have to divide that by 100000 because Google's API has costs like this and not in…
@RanjitR Here you go https://www.loom.com/share/94234f8644a84e1886b6d883e463aecd
Hi @RanjitR , @GrantSmith is right in the approach. I think the question I have is do you always want it to be a rolling 8 weeks or do you need that to change?
@lauramiddleton I made you a video answer: Hope this helps
Hi @PJG , I think I understand but still a little vague. I think I would do a count distinct in the ETL that you can then use to do your sum or count.
@jbaum788 Thanks! Happy to help! Send me any ideas you'd like to see.
@damen I would just make a Beast mode calculated field where you round everything to 2 decimal places after your upload. That formula is ROUND(`P&l Payment Amont`,2)
@Anna_Otake Yep. Just change your Value Format to Percentage. I recreated to show you.
Hi @PJG Anyway you can share a screenshot of the entire analyzer for us to see? It will be easier to understand
@LearningNinja can you share a screenshot of the entire Analyzer for the card please?
@robinmathew131 Domo also has a calendar in Domo Dimensions with a isHoliday flag and a isWeekend Flag. So you can use that too to find working days to get to Net Working Days
@Jarren Glad you figured it out!!
@sbutterbrodt I think you uncovered something. I just tried too and get the same results. I would suggest emailing Chris Wright at Domo and showing your example: chris.Wright@domo.com
@Jarren Thanks. Truthfully, this is a bit difficult to help without seeing context. I'm happy to give 30 min if you are free and willing to share your screen, but if not I hope you can figure out what's going on: Feel free to book 30 for tomorrow if you want to:
@Jarren and can you share a screen shot of what Totals looks like under chart properties?
Hi @Zel , I hope I can help. Here is where I have some SQL formulas to help: If you look at "Round dates to previous monday" you can see this formula: Date-weekday(Date -1)+1 (if doing in a beast mode). Let me know if that helps
@david_cunningham I think @SwapnaE for instance wants the goal line (orange horizontal lines) to change dependent on like if someone new is chosen in a filter or something. @SwapnaE, unfortunately that "goal" is hard coded. Your better bet is to use a different chart like bullet where now you can add in a goal per person…