Beast Modes for Column Headers
I have a table card that shows data over a static 6 week period and a rolling 6 week period. Because of this the date ranges for each week would change depending on when the dataset was last updated. It would be awesome to have column headers that are based on a beast mode so that they can change dynamically.
Choose What Cards to move to a new dataset
The functionality to move list of cards from one dataset to another is great, but it would be even better if you could choose exactly what cards you choose to move instead of all or none.
Drill in from Aggregated Column
Currently if you have a table card that only shows aggregated values (eg a count of records or sum of values) your drill path will filter to the aggregated value instead of records related to the field that is aggregated. It would be great to have the drill path filter to the records related to the aggregated value, i.e.…
Dynamic Rank Beast Mode
Does this functionality exist yet? When I try to do a rank() in a beast mode it skips from 1 to 16 every time no matter how I adjust my order by or partition, the only way rank() seems to work correctly is in the ETL itself, however I want to be able to filter the dataset and have the data rank accordingly by the filters.…
Pivot Table Subtotal Control
If your column is doing a beast mode based on the individual line level in a pivot table the subtotal will follow that rule (i.e. if you are using max() in a beast mode). It would be helpful to have a subtotal or total override if it's the case that you don't want subtotals to adhere to beastmode logic. i.e. you want the…
Limit Date Selector Card for User Interaction
I have a dataset that has multiple report dates with each value summing up total for that day (each row has its own value to sum for the day). I have a date selector card as a calendar format but need to limit the user to only choosing one day at a time since choosing more than one will make the data inflated and not…
Is this Chart Possible
Trying to re-create a graph that I have in excel. Is it even possible to get a chart to look like this in Domo?
Need a font larger than "largest"
Trying to display a set of cards via a screencloud onto a TV. However the title of the cards is tiny at the top left corner so we're trying to get a work around by using the x-axis label. Unfortuantely we still need it to be bigger. Anyone have any ideas? I tried doing some html work in a beast mode to see if that would…
Grouped + Line but with different line values
This would be easy to do in an excel document, however Domo seems to be "stupid" about letting me choose different options to display my data. I am comparing year to year data with two stacked bar columns and two lines. I need another line to show on the right y-axis the in stock %age but do not seem able to do this. Any…
Search for/filter by a list of items/records
We need to be able to copy and paste in a list of items to search for on a dashboard. Is this a functionality yet? Will it be soon?