Pivot table values on row or column
I didn't see any posts about this in the Analyzer Ideas section, so if there is already a post out there, I will upvote that if someone can send me the link. Anyway, pivot tables should have the same functionality as Excel where you can move the values to either rows or columns. The current solution is to create yet…
Static Rank beast mode
When creating multiple ranking tiles in ETL, the performance is significantly slowed and the dataflow takes hours to run, in comparison with less than 1 hour without ranking tiles. Therefore, I would like to be able to use beast modes to create static rankings. Currently, if you use the rank function in a beast mode, the…
Ranking beastmode with fixed rankings
Has anyone been able to create a beastmode rank that does not recalculate when filtering? I know I can create a static rank in the dataflow, which I have done, but I'd like to figure out a way to mimic a fixed rank in beast mode for those times when I have to do a ranking on the fly and don't have time to run the dataflows…
Add CSV filename as column
I am running a few workbench jobs, and I need to able to add the file name from each CSV in the folder I'm loading. When you create a workbench job using an xlsx file, you have the option to check a box to add the file name. But for CSV there is no option I can see. Is there a way through calculated columns or any other…
Page filter bar - interaction options
We should be able to customize the interaction with the dashboard on the filters in the global filter bar, not just with filter cards. The filter bar is superior to filter card, in my opinion, although you can change the look of the filters in the bar, but at least it remains pinned to the top of the dashboard so that…
Rank and Windowing functions in beast mode
Hi! I had my CSM enable rank and window in beast mode, and I have created a few that work great, but when I go to save my card I get an error that says the card cannot be saved and to contact support. I submitted a support ticket - but is anyone else having this issue? And if you have existing cards with this type of beast…
Pivot table field total and sub total options
I created a pivot table and I noticed that the fileds now have options to hide totals and sub totals. But when I check the options, it doesn't seem to do anything. I have columns "division", "category", and "subcategory". I have sub totals enabled and I want to add the item number and the item description. However, now I…
Faceted bar chart gone
Is anyone else missing the faceted bar chart options now? I was able to select this a short time ago, now the option is gone.
Domo performance
Has anyone else noticed that lately Domo is incredibly slow? I've been trying to reduce dataset size, but even editing cards, it takes 30 seconds to 1 minute just to open the analyzer. I've also noticed that data sometimes doesn't change when I edit the card, but when I save, close, and reopen, then the data changes. Also…
Limit on ranking tiles
I added 20 ranking tiles to me Magic ETL, but it fails stating out of memory. I removed 4 of them, and now it runs fine. Is there a limit to the number of ranking tiles you can use? The input is only 2 million records.
Replace text and value mapper failing
I have a couple data flows that use replace text or value mappers to remove certain text characters from a number column to then convert to an integer. Examples of text we are finding in our source data are "#DIV/0" and "--". However, when those characters don't exist at all in the source data, the replace text tile fails…
Pivot tile returning results slightly less than expected
I have a dataflow with 2 outputs. I branched off some appended data to one dataset, and then I took the same appended data and applied a pivot tile (initially I was joining to achieve the values in columns, but that was coming out way off). The dataset that is taking just the appended data is coming out correct, but the…
Beast mode with sum of total regardless of filters
DAX for PowerBI has a few functions that enable you to ignore certain field filters, allowing you to create a total calculation of the data even if some data is filtered out. This can then be used in the denominator to calculate share % without having to include all items within a group. I think the only way to get the…
Default landing page for group
I wasn't sure where to post this because there isn't a topic for administering site. I can easily filter my people on members of a particular group and assign a default landing page, but is there a way to set the default landing page for a group? Seems like a logical thing to have.
Handling multiple aggregation levels from source data
My company uses syndicated POS data from sources like IRI, NPD, and retailer POS. There are many measures that cannot be aggregated from the item level data, so I need to bring in pre-aggregated data in addition to the non-aggregated data. I was planning to have one column that indicated the aggregation level, but when I…
Change column data type
I have a column with a date as a string, example 01/01/21. I want to convert to a date. I attempted using string to date and date format in Magic ETL 2.0, but I got an error message saying that it couldn't parse the text field to date. Then I tried the alter column tile, which also threw an error. I turned off Magic ETL…
Magic ETL join operators
Is there going to be a version of Magic ETL that allows for other operators in a join besides "="? I have a situation where I need to use greater than or equal to and I have to use RedShift for this when I could use Magic ETL is other operators were available.
Box advanced connector multiple excel files
In the Details section of the Box Advanced connector, the information icon next to the "Would you like to choose a file from folder" indicated that if selected as Yes, then the connector should pull the files from the folder specified in the "Folder name or ID" field. However, when I execute this data load with a folder…
Windowed functions in Magic ETL 2.0
Does anyone know how to apply a dynamic range for windowed functions using SUM in Magic ETL 2.0? I would like to use another column value with the beginning range date in the range, but Magic ETL only allows static values.
Mass dataset change on duplicated cards
I was using one dataset to create all of my dashboards and cards, but I had to split it up into smaller datasets for performance. Now I need to duplicate all of the dashboards with duplicated cards and change the dataset on each one. I would like to see a way to change selected cards to a new dataset. I saw the post about…
Show value on row option
Please add an option to show value on row for pivot tables. I've seen a couple other posts about this but I'm not sure if this will become a feature. I don't think construction yet another dataset is the right way to deal with this. It is standard functionality in Excel and PowerBI.