Pivot table values on row or column

dacorson Member
edited March 13 in Charting Ideas

I didn't see any posts about this in the Analyzer Ideas section, so if there is already a post out there, I will upvote that if someone can send me the link. Anyway, pivot tables should have the same functionality as Excel where you can move the values to either rows or columns. The current solution is to create yet another ETL and pivot the data. This is not sustainable because it just adds to growth of data and is not necessary.

7 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing your idea! We're currently reviewing it for future enhancements.


  • Fully agree on the need for this. Had to use a cross join against a webform of measure names to accomplish this. In my case there were 6 values we wanted on rows, so the cross-join increased our row count 6-fold.

  • Dealing with this exact issue on a request from our CEO. So incredibly easy in Excel and super difficult in DOMO because you can't easily pivot row and column fields