Conditional formatting in Domo card
Team, raise my hand because I need to mimic the excel conditional formatting in a Domo card. If you do not mind, checking the enclosed jpg can check if the amount of the actual is lower that the estimated actual´s row turn to the color "red", but it vice versa, actual´s row is going to turn "green". I am trying the…
Create a Function to extraxt a specific secuency of numbers
Team , Connecting a data from salesforce, the dataset came with this challenge: Do any want have a idea to extract for this the secuency number " >5192438<" <a href="https://eomprd.health.ge.com/eom_prd/secured/ordquery.ctrl?hidGONSearch=true%26hidGONSearchStatus=true%26txtGONSearch=5192438%26hidTxtGonSearch=5192438"…
Column created with Beast mode with numeric and porcentage format
.Dear community, this month I have receipt separately two cases with the same concern: The users have shown to me functions created with beast mode, inside a pivot table card. The goal is set in the same column figure with number format and percentage, including the symbol “%”. I have attempted so many ways, but I don´t…