Can grand total sum max values?
anyone have any idea how (or if) it's possible to not show the MAX value in the grand total? I would like the grand total to be a SUM even if the values in that column are a MAX aggregation but the grand total should be the sum of the maxes if that makes sense :)
Table of contents on dashboard
On a dashboard, is there a way to create a table of contents showing what kind of sections or metrics are available here without having to scroll through the entire page? Not having to create a text box card at the top manually. when clicking on one item in the table of contents it automatically scrolls down to relevant…
Tag dataflows automatically based on tags of output dataset?
Is it possibly to tag the dataflows automatically with the tags added to the output dataset? So basically whenever adding tags to a dataset, the dataflow that spits out that output you are tagging should be default also get the tags. Currently when creating a new dataflow, I navigate to the output dataset to tag it with a…
Table of contents on dashboards
On a dashboard, is there a way to create a table of contents showing what kind of sections or metrics are available here without having to scroll through the entire page? Not having to create a text box card at the top manually. when clicking on one item in the table of contents it automatically scrolls down to relevant…
Web Analytics Pathing Chart
Hello All! We use Domo as our digital anlaytics tool. I'd be interested in hearing from other customers who also use this tool for web analytics. More specifically if they have a possible solution for pathing questions. With the introduction of the sankey diagram I thought this would be the ideal chart for web page…