Company Lookup on Different Columns
Hello, I am seeing if there is a way to write a beast mode that'll allow a user to input a company name that searches across multiple columns. For example, I want to look up Wells Fargo as the company name. I have three columns where Wells Fargo can appear under: Buyer, Seller, Lender. Is there a way to allow users to type…
Help With Showing Calculation in Hover Text
Hello, I am seeing if there is a way to create a calculated field in the Hover Text. I am using a Sankey chart and looking in the Flow Options, but I am only limited to the available macros shown. I am not sure if there is a way I can create a beast mode and add it in the hover text or if there is a special function I can…
Grouping Values into Ranges
Hello, I am trying to group values into ranges in DOMO, but can't seem to get my beast mode to work. Am I doing something wrong? I am trying 2 different methods: 1. case WHEN `Sale Liability` >= 50000000 AND <= 100000000 then '$50M-$100M' WHEN `Sale Liability` >= 100000000 AND <= 250000000 then '$100M-$250M' when `Sale…
Lost Business Beast Mode
Hello, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to identify clients that we no longer have business with. Scenario: Client A and B has had closed orders with us in 2018-2020 us. Client A has had multiple orders in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Client B has no more orders after 2020. Is there a way to output Client B's…
Additional Roles - Undefined Roles
Is there a way to create a list of users and tag/assign them an undefined DOMO role such as "Sales Team." My goal is to only allow a list of users of about 20 or so have a specific view to a dashboard. Or am I only limited to DOMO's predefined roles of Participant.. Social.. Developer.. Admin? Any help is greatly…
Help With Creating % Of Total Column
Hello! I have a similar following dataset: Group | Claim Amount: A | $75.00 A | $20.00 B | $100.00 D | $200.00 C | $100.00 C | $30.00 A | $400.00 Total: 7 Claims I am trying to figure out how I can create a beast mode that will give me a percentage of total claims by count. So, trying to add a column that would output the…
Assistance With Creating a Bar Line Graph
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to create a line graph / bar line that will give me the variance change year over year based number of claims per year. I am not sure if there is an easy way/setting in Domo to automatically create a percent change YoY for me, or if I need a beast mode to do this. I have tried the…
Need Ideas/Help for Creating a Card
There are orders (non-unique) that can have multiple services assigned to them and can also have different vendors assigned. Trying to identify a way in Domo to weed out some orders that fit these criteria: If an order has 2 or more services under the same order number and if the order has at least one service code ‘GB’…
What does 'Last 3 Years' mean?
Hello, When Domo uses 'Last 3 Years' for a date range, does it mean data from 2018, 2019, 2020, and to present date in 2021, or 2019, 2020, and 2021? Or is it April 15, 2018 - Present Date? I am having some data that I expect in my results, but there is some data missing and I think it is because I am using the 'Last 3…
Help with Beastmode on Count with Condition
Hello, I feel like this should be a simple thing to do, but am stumped. I am trying to do a count of order numbers where there is a condition to be met. Is there a if function that I can follow to do this? For example, there is a list of vendors, some of which have registered and some have not. I want to count the # of…
Extra Spacing from Exporting to Excel
Hello, I have this issue where when I export to Excel, there is about 6 extra spaces at the end of each result.. When I export a card into Excel and click on a cell in the FirstName column, it'll show for example, "Max__", where _ = spaces. Is there any way to get rid of this?
Combining Different Rows into a Single Row
Hello! Was wondering if there is any Domo function/beast mode that can be utilized to combine results of a column across multiple rows to display in a single row. For example, if I had company name and office locations: Row 1: XYZ | Pittsburgh Row 2: XYZ | Fresno Row 3: XYZ | Dallas Could I have it so Domo shows 1 record…
Adding Column to Calculate Difference Between Weeks
Hello, I am trying to add an extra column that will calculate the difference in order volumes from week to week. See attached screenshot for details: Week 1 -> Week 2 difference is 7394 Week 2 -> Week 3 difference is 53 Week 3 -> Week 4 difference is 452 Basically using the current week's number and calculating the…
Adding a New Column to Calculate Difference From Week to Week
Hello, I am trying to add an extra column that will calculate the difference in order volumes from week to week. See attached screenshot for details: Week 1 -> Week 2 difference is 7394 Week 2 -> Week 3 difference is 53 Week 3 -> Week 4 difference is 452 Basically using the current week's number and calculating the…
Are Card Placements Unique to the User on a Page?
Hello, Does each user have their own unique view of how cards are displayed on a page collection? For example: User 1 sees: Card 1, Card 2, Card 3, Card 4 User 2 sees: Card 3, Card, 4, Card 2, Card 1 How can I get it to have User 2 to see what User 1 sees?
Are There Sometimes Visual Bugs on Cards?
Hello, I have been recently been seeing visual bugs on some cards that I am using and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue as well. Is there any way to prevent this some occurring? Wondering if it is a browser cache issue or Domo related. I have a few cards that show me a distinct volume of orders, and…
How to Display Distinct Order Numbers in Edit Path
Hello, I am in need of assistance of how I could display only distinct order numbers while drilling down on a card. I am able to to get my summary number and chart to show me 4 distinct order numbers, however, when I drill down on the chart, it'll show me a total of 5 order numbers. This is what the chart looks like:…
PowerPoint Export Issue
Hello, I am trying to export a powerpoint from a Domo card, but I am missing data when it is exported. I am only getting 24/27 of the rows from my card to display on PowerPoint. I've tried readjusting the size of the image, but it just enlarges it and does not show any missing rows. Does anyone know how I could fix this?…
ETL Missing Data - Assistance Needed
Hello, I am in need of assistance on trying to figure out why my ETL is some data. (I have tried a Data Fusion as well) I have two tables/datasets where it is from tblCoverage left joined to tblProfile. Both tables are linked by a unique vendor code. tblCoverage has a column named 'State' where it shows what state a vendor…
Creating a Distinct Column Name and Showing Last Completed Order
Scenario: There are thousands of customers that are placing orders on a daily basis, which include repeat customers. I am trying to build a card that will: 1) Show the customer's name once on my card 2) Show the last time they placed an order. Is there a way to make the 'CustomerName' column a unique value without creating…
Changing a Column from Measure to Dimension
Hello all, I am seeing if there is a way I can convert a column named 'isActive' from a measure to a dimension. Currently the values show as '0' or '1' as a measure, but I want this column to be under the dimension field and display as 'True' or 'False.' I am trying to avoid a beast mode calculation because the dataset the…
Is there a way to view all of my filters being applied to a table column?
Is there a way to view all of my filters being applied to a table column? I currently have 30 filters applied, but it only shows me 20 of them selected and 'and 10 more...'