Period over Period charts and drill down
I have a simple Grouped Bar chart with a date field in my X-axis and a Annual Recurring Revenue (SUM) as my Y-axis. My leadership team has suspicions that a particular product, which I've filtered to, is not selling as well in 2023-Q3 as it did in the prior year 2022-Q3 and we'd like to investigate the data. My card's Date…
Creating Card filters on values currently absent from a dataset
Hello. I am trying to display a card that shows rows where are particular date column is absent of values. Since null dates cannot be filtered on within cards, I have a Beast Mode formula that does the following: IFNULL(STR_TO_DATE(Target Go-Live Date, '%d/%m/%Y'), 'Blank') I am building out a card (for a Bar Chart, if it…
Card Title update in Breadcrumbs
Hi everyone. I think I'm confused about how card titles work, specifically in regards to Smart Text. I'm managing a dashboard for a product which is comprised of 6 teams which are comprised of various Project Managers. I built a simple card that displays projects that were completed on-time and I'm trying to build some…
Null Date Values in Card Filters
Hi! I know this question has been asked a few times in the forums over the years (see "Best Practice for Date fields" and "How do you Filter on Date that is Null") so apologies for the redundancy. I'm asking the question again because these posts seem to miss an element that is crucial to my use case: calculations and…
Using Magic ETL to extract a substring using Regex and excluding remaining strings
Hello! I know variations of this question have been asked in the forums but I haven't been able to find a solution that works for me. I have a column Project Name that contains Projects out of Financial Force that may contain an At-Risk ticket number, which is formatted as: AR-00000 i.e. literally "AR-" or "AR - " followed…