Domo Everywhere Embed Editor
Hi, As there are a few ways of embedding this question refers to this way Currently we pass something like this in the JWT token { "sub": "alex.lee@modocorp.co", "name": "Alex Lee", "customer_id": 1000, “groups”: [“a”,”b”,”c”], "exp": 1716239022} but we would like to be able to pass something like this { "sub":…
Domo Everywhere Embed Edit - separate grants
Hi, We have users that need to export to Excel , PDF and Powerpoint but we don't want them to be able to email content out or schedule reports. It would be good if this grant could be separated out.
Align Calendar UI with financial year loaded
We have many child instances running with different start days of the week. Normally Monday or Sunday. For these running on Mondays the UI for the calendar makes it painful to select full weeks. It would be great if the calendar could adjust so Monday was at the start or at the very least have the abbreiviated day name at…
Subscriber instance sharing board scenario
Hi guys, We have users on a subscriber instance embedded into our web application. I am having to give users the below grant to allow them to share boards they have created. Without this they don't see the share + button at the top right even though they are the owner. I noticed when they do share with another user that…
Existing dataset as output
Hi, I was editing my ETL and removed the output dataset part and had saved by accident. How do I add the output back in as it seems to just recreate a fresh dataset with the same name rather than write to the existing one. Thanks
Creating new data
Hi guys, I have dataset that gets created as part of an ETL. I would like to take a copy of this data remap one of the columns and then append it to the original set. Something like below. So take the data add a customer Id column default to say 1. Duplicate the data. Remap the customer Id column to something else and…
Locked dashboards and locked cards
Hi, Could someone confirm this is the correct behaviour. I have locked a dashboard and shared it with colleagues who have the standard editor role within domo. While they can't choose edit dashboard at the top right they can edit any card within the dashboard. Do I have to lock each card individually?
Line and bar combinations help
Hi, I am trying to create a chart by weeks showing Sales as a bar Budget as a bar and then the variance between the 2 as a line. I want the scale for the variance to be on the right hand side and the scale for sales and budget on the left. I am trying lots of combinations but can't seem to find the one that fits. Would…
Problems launching analyser
Hi, I've noticed a new version has been pushed to our instance as the share on dataset checkbox on the beast mode dialog box has moved up towards the save button. Anyway we are having problems launching the analyser for lots of cards now. You just get infinite loading and have to close and retry to get it to show up.…
Start day of week
Hi, We have fiscal calendars loaded onto our instances which work great but we have the scenario where we need the calendars and pivoting mechanisms to work on calendar year (default) but Monday - Sunday weeks rather than the default of Sunday - Saturday weeks. Can this be toggled for an instance? Thanks
Fixed Date comparison
Hi, I have monthly data and have the data stacked with different period types i. Last year, 2021, 2020 and 2019. I can access these values by checking the period type in my beast modes. All good. For this use case I need to add a fixed 2019. So when I graph say 2021 through to 2023 each month looks back at 2019. e.g. I can…
lag function
Hi everyone, We have a dataset containing two columns Date, Id and Value. We are using the lag function to get the value from the previous financial year. i.e. lag(Date, 364) over (partition by Id order by Date) Wondering how we could use this to get the previous date the year before but matching on the date. So 1st Feb…
Period over Period help
@GrantSmith Hi Grant, I have used your date dimension solution for lots of PoP charts but like you have mentioned on your post doing month over month can be tricky. Thanks for your help so far on my domo journey. My problem. I have daily data and have a period type of 'Last Month' and 'This Month' I have the data in a…
Sumo Card
Hi, Is the sumo card an old feature now covered by the pivot table in the analyser? I can never get it to load in pivot view so was wondering if I was missing anything. Thanks
Date range selector
Hi, Is there a way to make the range selector do different steps in the data. e.g. I want the steps to be weekly or monthly but it always steps for each day. Thanks
Delete dashboard
Hi, Using Domo Everywhere edit experience with publish/subscriber model. If a user takes a copy of a dashboard or creates their own. How do they remove them? Thanks
Enable buzz functionality in domo everywhere
This really needs adding to the full embedding option we are using. Users want to collaborate.
Date dimension/formula problem
Hi, I'm not sure what I am trying is possible but here goes. I have my data stacked as per @GrantSmith's excellent post. What I need is a calculated column for the last year column that only includes the value if "Another Value" from the This year row = 'Y' So only show 600 if another value =Y from period type this year So…
PDP and Trusted Attributes
Hi, I need to split data by a trusted attribute sent through with our JWT token using PDP. Is it possible to use a custom attribute so that a column can be checked against this attribute in a PDP policy? For example I want to send through the users user_id and filter so they only see their data. I could hijack employee id…
Publishing to subscriber instances problem
Hi, Has anyone using the edit experience of domo everywhere had trouble with dashboard changes in their parent instance not appearing in the subscriber instance(s) when the publication is refreshed. Things like adding a chart, removing a chart, changing the title of a chart. The refresh option in the admin says it has all…
FISCAL calendar period over period comparison to previous years
Hi, On the POP charts with a FISCAL year configured for the instance the logic for comparing to previous years works by matching on the week and year number. e.g. Week 5 of 2022 compares to week 5 in 2021 and 2019. Our customers don't compare like this. They prefer to just compare 1 FISCAL year ago so the logic would be…
Odd behaviour with FISCAL Calendar
HI, We have had the fiscal calendar enabled on our instance and the fiscal year loaded in. I have noticed some very strange behaviour of the cards and was wondering if this is something domo haven't setup correctly or just limitations of the feature. In our fiscal year we have a fiscal month running from 03/01/2021 to…
What type of chart is this below?
I've seen the chart on the right hand side on a domo video. It looks like a multi value widget but has a graph on it as well. Any idea what it is? Thanks
Fiscal periods in one report
Hi, I am looking to produce a simple report with the following headers Date | YTD Value | Last Week Value I have a dataset linked to my own fiscal dataset that has information for week start, year start, week number, period etc. I am slightly confused on how to write a beast mode for the above as using the built in…
Is this a bug or user error
Hi, Noticed some odd behaviour with a simple dataset I am pulling in from our db. From the column named Area onwards the data doesn't align to the column headers. e.g the AREA column should 1420 etc. It all needs shifting left. I have a feeling as I am selecting from two table and both have an ID column it can't work it…
Dashboard performance problem
Hi guys, I have a view that once built has 112k rows. It is built from 7 datasets. Am I right in thinking once the view is built then it doesn't need to go back to the datasets and perform joins etc? I am seeing some very poor performance on the dashboard built from this view but the number of rows is quite low. The…
Some connections stuck connecting...
Hi, I'm going to raise this with domo support but was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Randomly some connections stop importing data when using the run manually option. The status just stays as "Connecting....". Give it an hour or so and it will start working again. Other datasets using the same connection…
Recursive ETL
Hi guys, I am pulling data from from our db looking like Date|Name|Value DATE and NAME is the unique key I sort of understand the recursive ETL and it will append and replace old data with new data but I am missing the point slightly. Should the new data do a complete pull from the db or a subset? I am looking to just get…
Period over period on one row
Hi, For this particular use case I have data like below Date | Value I need to transform this to Date | Value | Date LY | Value LY I could join the source data up like this to itself when pulling the data into domo via SQL but would rather do this in domo. I attempted to use the period over period dimension stuff made by…
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