Is the checkbox to "Save Calculation to Dataset" clicked on?
Find a table with the lat/long of the provinces and join it to your table of values so you can use the lat/long map. There aren't that many provinces, so if you don't want to bother with a join, it wouldn't be that hard to do it in a BeastMode for lat and Beastmode for long. Something like: — Latitute Case when Province =…
There's the 'Card Pages' DomoStats dataset. Is that what you're looking for?
For the OP, if you open the "detailed" view of the card, then you can zoom in/out in the browser window to get something pretty similar to what you asked for. If you need every value in something that scrolls on the dashboard (without having to expand to details), maybe a heatmap table instead of a bar chart?
Since you have mixed types of aggregation, I think instead of putting the SUM on the drop-down of the Total beastmode, where it affects the entire BeastMode, I would write it into the BeastMode itself: SUM( Online Fee + (amFee-`Platinum amFee`)+ … Royalty Inside Charge) + AVG( `Ticketing Royalties Expense 1 `) The thing is…
Could you give a sample of what your data looks like (anonymized) and describe the end-result you're trying to achieve? Ideally, mock up a sample of what you expect to produce from your example data. It's difficult to trouble-shoot a big BeastMode like that without understanding what your data looks like.
When you say you added a filter that "Hierarchy not in REVENUE", does that mean the Structure column will never equal 'Revenue'? If so, that means that your denominator will be 0 because of your ELSE statement, and dividing by zero will result in null.
@ArborRose Yeah, with arrows like that, you could also make your target 100% transparent and just use the data label as the target (centered data-label from tool-tip, symbols-only data-label): Case when Price* Quantity >= Budget then '🔹' when Price* Quantity < Budget then '🔻' END
This should work: That said, the format you have your data in already is ideal for most uses. You could also pivot it as is in a Pivot Table Card:
As far as I know, you have to use the HTML formatting in a Summary Number. When I do this, I use a single-value card with blank values for the values in the card, and put my HTML beastmode in the Summary. This would be a crude example (hyphens instead of a solid line), but maybe you can adapt it: concat( '<div>',…
ArborRose's approach works on most card types, but not on the Bullet Chart. For whatever reason, Bullets won't accept color rules like this. If I were to guess why, it's that the philosophy behind a Bullet Chart is to show progress against targets using the relationship between the bar and the target marker, so a color…
The closest thing I can think of out-of-the box is you could use variables to manually explore different combinations, and depending on how complex your situation is, that might be a good way to get an intuitive sense of why the optimal solution is what it is, or what some sub-optimal good-enough solutions would be. Or if…
This is a common question: here's one (of many) answers to it: If you found it frustrating/unintuitive, you could vote on several of the idea exchange ideas to improve…
I agree. Did a few double-takes and mis-clicks with these new icons
I'm not 100% I understand what you're saying, so I'm going to say what I think you're saying, and then you can correct me if I missed something. (GrantSmith's suggestion is a good one, and likely to lead to a faster/better answer.) I think your data looks something like this: And then you have BeastModes like this: and: In…
Is he going to show us some of his MagicETLs? I'd be curious to see if he color-codes his strings between tiles, or how much he uses the notes.
+1 to more customizability of Pivot Tables. They've gotten a lot better in the last year or so, but still have a lot of unrealized potential.
Agree, this would still be helpful
The way I would approach the "master" filter is using a variable, and a BeastMode filtering against that variable on each card. case when month(Date) = Variable then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end (Filter for "Include") Then, when you need to change the whole dashboard, you can use a Control to change the variable for the…
One approach is to have a "raw" dataset with no BeastModes, and then save a view of the dataset for each distinct use/dasbhoard. Each view can have its own BeastModes. You can also limit the number of columns and rename the columns going into the dashboard, which can make the filters on the dashboard more user-friendly.
Yes! This would be great!
These are a collection of links to other ideas suggesting the same thing (descriptions in the email and/or PDF/PPT exports). Maybe we could upvote all of them? Or consolidate all their votes onto this idea?…
As an addition, descriptions also don't show up on PDF/PPT exports, so that's also not an option. Descriptions should 100% be included in every output and it's maddening that they're not.
Here's a recent discussion of someone working through the same issue:
For the first part of your question, you just need to use a sum as your aggregation, and then you can put a quick-filter on your date: The second part is slightly harder, as you need the total to stay the same regardless of filter. You can use a FILTER NONE in a FIXED function to do that:
This is less visual than what DashboardDude made, but I feel like it should be said there is "official" documentation here:
Since you're using the pivot table, it needs some way to aggregate the value. Since it's a text column, the only default is a count. Pivot Tables can be a little particular, and sometimes will fight you on having text display. The most reliable ones I've found are something like: CASE WHEN COUNT(`Nu`) > 10 then 'No' else…
It's basically 2 steps. 1: split your Dependent column using the delimiter. 2: unpivot your data long. I also use the "Alter columns" tile to drop unnecessary columns:
I think you could create a BeastMode for your sort: MOD( MONTH(`addTimeStamp`)+12 - month(current_date()), 12 ) Add 12 to your month and subtract the current month. Then use modulo 12. If the current month is March: March + 12 - March = 12, Modulo 12 = 0 April + 12 - March = 13, Modulo 12 = 1 … January + 12 - March = 10,…