There are the Domo University courses, which will have a lot of examples of how to apply everything in Domo. The only caveat is I feel like most of the Domo courses assume your data is already structured relatively cleanly, maybe coming in from system. For a theoretical grounding on how to structure your data from the…
I have done group bys on similarly large data without a problem. Here are a couple suggestions for debugging: Create an Output Tile directly from the GroupBy in your full dataset to see if it's blank before you rejoin it back to the data. (You can delete it later). Double check that there's only one value for your test ID.…
For the original question, I have done something like this using a BeastMode as a card filter for every card on the page, filtering for 'Include': CASE WHEN Text_Variable IS NULL THEN 'Include' WHEN Text_Variable = 'Default Text' THEN 'Include' WHEN LOWER(Description) LIKE CONCAT('%', LOWER(Text_Variable), '%' ) then…
@brycec LISTAGG is a new one for me, thank you! I played with it, and it also works with DISTINCT, so I'll add that to your suggestion: REPLACE(LISTAGG(DISTINCT `Current Pages), ',', ', ')
I don't think you can enforce a naming pattern when people are creating the dashboards, but you could use the DomoStats datasets to check your names against a pattern. You could set an alert that sends you (or everyone, for some good public shaming) an email every time someone creates a new app/dash that violates your…
One other place you can add text from fields is in the summary number. Nice thing about the summary number is you can apply HTML formatting (or not) with a BeastMode. There are some kind of ugly examples of that here, but you get the idea: One thing that is impossible in a BeastMode (as far as I know) is to reference…
1) I don't think that it's this BeastMode that's causing the data to split across columns, since you're summing it. It's probably the TEST column, which I assume is the same one as this discussion: To quote myself from that discussion: "One note of caution is that your current set-up won't work if you have multiple…
And just like that, she was gone. The stock model with chunky glasses staring contentedly at her phone is no more. Now, I kind of miss her. I guess you don't know what you have until it's gone.
You can schedule cards or dashboards as reports that are emailed to people from Domo. If you wanted to automate it, you could create the dashboard using the DomoStats data, and create tables of things like "Dashboards created this month" or you could just make something manual with text cards that you schedule to go out…
Yes, I would love more flexibility for reference lines. Here's another idea that fleshes that out even more, if you want to add votes to that one as well:
Your script uses the OpenCage API, so that's what I tested:
Be careful: both the address you were searching for and your API key are in that error code. Using your API key, I got the same 401 error as you. Using a valid API key and your exact same script, I was able to retrieve coordinates. I would double check your API key one more time.
Wow, what a great find. This is incredibly misleading advertising from Domo. Everything about this would be very difficult to achieve without basically coding it yourself in Javascript and using a D3 or Echarts brick to put it in your dashboard (and if you're able to do that, what is the value-add of Domo?). I'm commenting…
Some similar ideas (I'm not alone):
What do I have to do to prove that I am aware of App Studio? It's like a missionary doing their service trip inside the church building. We know, Khushboo!
Agree with Manasi, you could use a CASE statement in a BeastMode. Something like: CASE WHEN [conditions for first table] THEN 'Row 1' WHEN [conditions for second table] THEN 'Row 2' WHEN [conditions for third table] THEN 'Row 3' ELSE 'Exclude' END Then filter your card to exclude the 'Exclude' rows.
If you switch it back to an HTML table, are there any settings not turned to default? Sometimes when you switch between card types, you can check off a setting that still applies to other card types, even if that setting doesn't appear in the menus. My other thought it that maybe one of the cards is on a "view" of the data…
You need to reshape your data so the years are in a column. That would be easy in a MagicETL: If you don't want to reshape your data, the only card I can think that would make sense "out of the box" is the pivot table card:
You need to reshape your data so the years are in a column. That would be easy in a MagicETL:
With the 4 columns you describe (Product, 2025, …, 2028), I don't think there's a way to get the bar chart you described without reshaping your data first. The only card I can think of that would analyze your data as is would be the pivot table: If you're willing to do a quick MagicETL to unpivot your data to a long…
You could use the Word Cloud chart type, and have a different dataset/column/etc. feed into each slide:
There's another Qualtrics report called "Survey Response Choices" that you can join to the "Survey Responses" report for the labels.
Yes, this is a frequent question in the forum, and multiple ideas have been posted about it. Pasting a few of those for additional visibility.…
You can create a view of your dataset and rename your date column for that view. Then use your view for the single card. The client filter will still work, but since the name of the date column is different, the page filter for the date won't affect that card.
You can use a window function to create a running total column: sum(Sum(Impressions)) over(order by Week) And then you can create another one that divides that by your goal. (Not sure if that goal is in another column or what, so just using roughly what it seems to be based on your data): sum(Sum(Impressions)) over(order…
You could filter using a BeastMode/Variable combo. This video has a walkthrough of almost exactly this situation:
I don't know the technical way to say this, but BeastModes need to be at all the same level of aggregation. So if part of your BeastMode is fixed, all of it needs to be fixed. Rather than using nested BeastModes, you'll have better luck re-writing the larger BeastMode from scratch, which will make it obvious where you are…
Is the checkbox to "Save Calculation to Dataset" clicked on?
Find a table with the lat/long of the provinces and join it to your table of values so you can use the lat/long map. There aren't that many provinces, so if you don't want to bother with a join, it wouldn't be that hard to do it in a BeastMode for lat and Beastmode for long. Something like: — Latitute Case when Province =…
There's the 'Card Pages' DomoStats dataset. Is that what you're looking for?