Removing the "Introducing DOMO apps" banner

We are already using apps and don't need to be reminded to use them every day. I would love a way to permantenly remove this banner

12 votes


  • If you click on the X in the top right of the banner, the banner will go away

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  • Yeah, it just comes back every time you renavigate to the page, I get tired of clicking the "X". I want it gone permanently.

  • Agreed. I have cliked the "x" a dozen times and it just keeps coming back. It's time for it to be dismissed permanently. I'm tired of seeing this stock model, and now I am seeing her outside of Domo as well. I can't escape. She is everywhere.

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  • What do I have to do to prove that I am aware of App Studio? It's like a missionary doing their service trip inside the church building. We know, Khushboo!

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  • And just like that, she was gone. The stock model with chunky glasses staring contentedly at her phone is no more. Now, I kind of miss her. I guess you don't know what you have until it's gone.

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  • As mysteriously as she appeared…she left.

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  • Basketballfan1
    Basketballfan1 Contributor

    wohoo, finally!

  • The stock photo woman with glasses has been replaced with the "Getting started with App Studio". I have clicked the x multiple times and it keeps coming back.

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  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor

    Her spirit lives forever

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