@DavidChurchman Thank you for the assist! This has been really helpful and pointed me in the right way to get this resolved.
@DavidChurchman Thank you very much for the information in regards to what Pivot Tables and the beast mode formula. For the 'Nu' is this where I would place the dimension?
@Data_Devon Thank you for the assistance! This is exactly what we were looking for! Thank you and have a great day!
@DashboardDude Thank you very much for the video. That was really helpful! I greatly appreciate it. This was very helpful and exactly what I looking for. Thank you!
Thank you for the assistant @ColemenWilson !
@ColemenWilson @ggenovese Thank you for the assistance! That definitely helped me out greatly. Thank you and Happy Holidays to you and your families!
@ggenovese Thank you, let me give that a try as well.
I do apologize if my explanation was not clear or understandable. @ColemenWilson Here is the excel sheet with the just basic filters of only receiving data showing sites with specific Types. The 3rd Type can be either or but a site must have a "Survey" ticket then a "Cutover and Test" ticket and then either an "EPIK" or…
To be clear, we want the data to show on each row - 3 of the same sites with a Survey Type row , Cutover and Test type row and EPIK or Greenix type row.
ticket can be closed
all set. no need for assistance
@MarkSnodgrass Thank you sir for the assistance! When testing different formulas I also tried concat but did not use the " Left" function inside the parenthesis. Thank you again for the assistance.
@nmizzell Thank you for the assistance. Greatly appreciated!
@nmizzell . ohh, I have to create a new data set for this. Yes please, i would need to have this shown.
hi @nmizzell, thank you for the assistance. So those numbers represent how many tickets have been opened. The columns- non-g360, non-g360- fs, and g360-fs are sources on where are tickets are being created. Non-G360 column shows 3 tickets have been created with a total revenue of $$$$ from those 3 tickets. And so forth…
hi @nmizzell , would you be be able to assist on this beast mode questions please?
hi @MichelleH , any thoughts on what beast mode calc can be created to provide the data? Thank you again for the assistance.
Hi @MichelleH, please see below. Basically, I want the Revenue to show for each source- Non -G360, Non-360-FS, and G360-FS. These show how many tickets are created for each and the revenue total it produces for the # of tickets. We do have a measurement for the Total revenue but we want it separated from each source.…
@nmizzell @ArborRose Thank you both for the assistance. This greatly appreciated and it helped a lot.
@nmizzell Thank you for the assistance. Essentially, we want to have a table that shows 5 Boards listing the average daily ticket queue in the given month for the past 15 months. Disregard the title of Total tickets- 8 weeks . So the data should show - the average daily tickets for the month of Sept '23 is 25 tickets. Then…
@ArborRose , getting a syntax error. I removed the 1,7, we still want to calculate the weekend
Thank you for the reply! Will this work for average daily ( weekday) ticket queue by month?
Sorry, this is calculating, Average daily (weekday) ticket queue by month
Thank you @ArborRose and @ST_-Superman-_ Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Hope you both have a great weekend!
ST_-Superman-_ That worked! I used it as a filter and it did provide me to data that I needed. Thank you!
@ArborRose Yes, when I do that, I can get the drill down when I click on the data. But I need to send this as a scheduled report via excel so they would like to see all the data on the excel sheet.
@ST_-Superman-_ I used the beast mode calc that you provided but I was not getting any data
@ArborRose the fields are site name, then count of ticket number and then ticket number - no aggregation so it can lists the ticket numbers I was able to get sites that had 3 or more tickets but then I needed to add the ticket numbers as well and thats where i'm getting stuck on. I noticed that as well i was looking at the…
Thank you ArborRose, I tried doing it that was as well but no data will show for that filter as well.