@MarkSnodgrass Thank you sir! I believe that did the trick. But for some reason, Domo is not able to save the card after adding the new formula. Does the system not recognize the formula?
Hi @DashboardDude , Thank you for your advice. I tried to create a new board per your advice but I could not figure out how to get a dynamic unpivot table. Sorry, we just started Domo few months ago and still getting to know the system,
@MarkSnodgrass , thank you for the advice. I tried using the formula that you provided but the SUM of the ticket number seems like it's adding the actual ticket number and not the count, so I changed it to SUM(COUNT(TicketNbr)) OVER (PARTITION BY board_name ORDER BY date_entered) But the Avg column for each date is…
Sorry, Here is the screenshot of the data- I need an average of each of the rows whether its 5 days into the month or 10, 15, so on. I started with this calc- SUM(date_entered)/DAYOFMONTH(date_entered) but that doesn't work and i've been playing around with it but getting no where,