Have few questions on Form Builder

  1. How to make a question optional and not required?
  2. How can users identify the response type is multiselect so that they can select multiple options
  3. If one of the options in the response type is 'other', how do I enable them to view a text box to type their response when selected with that option?
  4. Would I be able to include a 'Thank you message after the form is submitted'

Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    It might be a bug or a misconfiguration if it doesn't allow submitting without filling in the optional question. Double-check to see if the "Required" toggle is turned off for the optional questions. And make sure that there are no conflicting settings in the form’s overall configuration that enforce all fields to be filled.

    If the Form Builder only offers predetermined sizes for labels, you might be limited by the current functionality. If you can some how access it's stylesheet, you can possibly change the style there.

    .label-class {
    font-size: 16px; /* Desired font size */

    Typically when creating forms in any language or program, checkboxes mean one or many can be selected and radio buttons give only one selection choice. They don't normally have a setting for limiting the number unless it's something you can directly access in the programming. If you can access the Javascript, it would be something like this:

    document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(function(checkbox) {
    checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
    let checkedCount = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
    if (checkedCount > 3) { // Limit to 3 selections
    checkbox.checked = false;
    alert('You can only select up to 3 options.');

    I'm not familiar enough with form builder. Again, if you can access the stylesheet (CSS) settings you could set a style for darkness or size.

    .explanation-text-class {
    font-size: 14px; /* Larger font size */
    color: #000000; /* Darker font color */

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  • https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043438373?language=en_US

    In the Form Builder, I believe there's a "required" toggle you can adjust for question settings. For multiple options, select the response type as "Checkboxes" or "Multiselect" from the list of available response types.

    To enable a text box when the 'Other' option is selected:

    1. Add the Multiselect Question:
      • Add your multiselect question with the options you want to provide, including "Other."
    2. Setting Up Conditional Logic:
      • Add a new question for the text box where users can type their response.
      • In the settings for this text box question, set up a condition to only show this question if the user selects "Other" in the previous multiselect question.
      • Go to the settings of the text box question.
      • Find the "Conditional Logic" or "Show/Hide" settings.
      • Set the condition: "Show this question if 'Other' is selected in [Multiselect Question]".

    To include a 'Thank You' message after the form is submitted, I'd check form settings. Or possibly redirect to a thank you page.

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  • Arthi Annadi
    Arthi Annadi Member
    edited July 25

    Thank you so much, ArborRose, for your response. I figured out how to make the question optional. I appreciate the information on 'Conditional Logic.' I have checked it, but I do not see any settings to apply conditional logic in 'Form Builder.' Regarding your last comment on the Thank You message, how can I achieve that? (Redirecting it to a thank you page?)

    Also I have few more questions for the form builder below, It would be extremely helpful if you can answer the below.

    1. Currently, the form builder settings include an option to make questions optional. However, the form viewer does not allow me to submit the form without filling in the optional questions.
    2. I am unable to adjust the size of the 'labels' to our required size as it only offers three predetermined sizes.
    3. If we are enabling the user to multi-select options, how can we restrict or limit the number of options they can select?
    4. There is an option to explain the response for certain options, but the text appears very small and is not easily visible to users. How can I enlarge it and darken the font color?
    5. How can I require a question to be answered before moving on, rather than only displaying a message at the end?


  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    It might be a bug or a misconfiguration if it doesn't allow submitting without filling in the optional question. Double-check to see if the "Required" toggle is turned off for the optional questions. And make sure that there are no conflicting settings in the form’s overall configuration that enforce all fields to be filled.

    If the Form Builder only offers predetermined sizes for labels, you might be limited by the current functionality. If you can some how access it's stylesheet, you can possibly change the style there.

    .label-class {
    font-size: 16px; /* Desired font size */

    Typically when creating forms in any language or program, checkboxes mean one or many can be selected and radio buttons give only one selection choice. They don't normally have a setting for limiting the number unless it's something you can directly access in the programming. If you can access the Javascript, it would be something like this:

    document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(function(checkbox) {
    checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
    let checkedCount = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
    if (checkedCount > 3) { // Limit to 3 selections
    checkbox.checked = false;
    alert('You can only select up to 3 options.');

    I'm not familiar enough with form builder. Again, if you can access the stylesheet (CSS) settings you could set a style for darkness or size.

    .explanation-text-class {
    font-size: 14px; /* Larger font size */
    color: #000000; /* Darker font color */

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  • Arthi Annadi
    Arthi Annadi Member
    edited July 25

    Agree, It is a bug (I confirm that the required toggle is turned off and Form builder is limited.) I do not have access to the CSS or JavaScript. How can I achieve the below

    1. How can I require a question to be answered before moving on to the next question, rather than only displaying a message at the end and it does not even navigate to the unanswered question. Again this is a form builder specific question.
      2. Would I be able to redirect to the thank you message in form builder?

      Thank you so much again for the detailed explanation
