Set the default value of date type Variable to current date or today's date



  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager

    That's a great workaround @ellibot thanks for sharing!

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

  • Very cool, @ellibot! Trouble for me is I don't have access to Workflows in my instance. Hopefully @Matt Tannyhill will have good news for us soon on a native solution within the core product soon! 🙏

  • dnewc
    dnewc Member

    Hi @ellibot - Thanks so much for the info and informative video. We don't have workflows though - and I'm not a programmer by schooling. Do you think this could be done with Python or jupyter? Any thoughts? Appreciate your time!!

  • DK2
    DK2 Member

    When using a date variable, a new default value 'Today's Date' should be an option. It should take the date of the current timezone of your instance.

    This seemingly simple update would be powerful for my team. Right now, any dashboard using a variable is then not able to be turned into a scheduled report because the date variable would always need to be updated before the report goes out.

    Bonus: Allow for a calculation like subdate(currentdate(),interval 1 day) to set the default to yesterday.

  • nmizzell
    nmizzell Contributor
    edited October 2024

    This feature would be very helpful

  • nmizzell
    nmizzell Contributor
    edited October 2024

    Specifically, having the ability to set the default value of a variable to a dynamic value such as current_date(), instead of having to choose one static date.

  • Bump.

    Are we still waiting on this? How many other requests have over a hundred up votes? I concur with @Jones01, not just default to current date, but to a beast mode formula would be ideal.

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  • b_rad
    b_rad Contributor

    @ellibot , Can you share the code which updates the date variable either here or in the Domo community instance?

    I was able to follow your video till the part where we are able to see the variable "expression" value.

    I cannot replicate on how you actually went and updated that value in your code.

    I believe it'll be helpful for everyone if you share your code till Domo makes the update on allowing us to set dynamic default date.

    Thanks in advance,


  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor

    @b_rad here is the code engine block I wrote to update the default date of the variable. This can be called in the workflow. You will pass the variableid as a parameter.

  • b_rad
    b_rad Contributor

    Thanks a lot @ellibot . That really helps.

    Appreciate your help in this.

  • b_rad
    b_rad Contributor

    @ellibot, By any chance, have you also figured out how to add new values to text variables using code engine?
