I have an email with two attachments that go to different datasets. How to extract?


I have an email coming in from a vendor that has two different .xlsx files with two different datasets. Each file would end up in separate datasets in Domo. I've already asked if they can combine into one and got the standard "not at this time" answer. What is the best way to handle this so that both files get into their correct (new) datasets?

My only thought is to have two email connectors that are looking for each file separately, but that seems like overkill?

A few quick notes, both files have unique starting names, so no worries there. These are new datasets, so no legacy dataflows to work around. These are manually triggered files that are sent at a random point near the end of the month. Lastly, not on consumption, so no workflow access at this time.

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Setting up two separate email connectors may seem like overkill, but it would be a clean and reliable way to make sure the files get to the right dataset. Since these are apparently manually triggered, having two separate connectors would make sure each file is processed independently as soon as the email is received.

    note - email is not a secure communication method. Be sure you aren't handling any private or personal data in the transmissions. There are lots of scammers and foreign countries intercepting email…its not hard.

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  • ArborRose

    Depending upon the process, you can append rather than replace.

    I bring xlsx files into Domo using Domo WorkBench…find it under admin > toolkit. You could also setup an ETL to merge the two using the Append tile. But it might trigger unecessary credits on your account.

    You could also create an external application to merge the files before importing.

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  • zmenzer
    zmenzer Member

    Sorry, just to be clear, these are two separate datasets that cannot be merged into a single file. The data must come across from email. I could certainly build out a tool to track files hitting an inbox and extract both files. If the email connector makes it tricky to have one email with two files (each needing to go to a separate dataset in Domo) then that might be the answer.

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Setting up two separate email connectors may seem like overkill, but it would be a clean and reliable way to make sure the files get to the right dataset. Since these are apparently manually triggered, having two separate connectors would make sure each file is processed independently as soon as the email is received.

    note - email is not a secure communication method. Be sure you aren't handling any private or personal data in the transmissions. There are lots of scammers and foreign countries intercepting email…its not hard.

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