ETL Field Search Capability

buzz_boom Contributor
edited August 2023 in Magic ETL Ideas

It would be helpful in an ETL to be able to search for a field name and have the tiles that directly reference that field name be highlighted. Many times when supporting dataflow development we are looking for a field and we have to open every tile to see where that field is referenced - in join, in formulas, in filters, in group by, etc.

24 votes

Implemented · Last Updated

Good news - this was implemented in the January Customer Release :)


  • Bumping this, as I was just going to add the same exact commentary. The amount of time I am wasting trying to find a field and trace it back is relatively high. Column-level lineage within a given ETL would be immensely helpful.

  • Need the ability to search for Fields in ETL's that are Complex for troubleshooting purposes.

  • timehat
    timehat Domo Employee
    edited July 2023

    Great feedback. I'll make sure there's some visibility for this on the team. Thanks!

    As a quick workaround, if you select multiple tiles (perhaps zoom out the tile canvas all the way to easily select all tiles), you'll get an option on the left to "Copy to Clipboard".

    You can paste this into a text editor and do a search for the column name there. (Though the text is likely to all be on a single line. Using a JSON formatter would be helpful.) You should see the tile's name as an attribute to the JSON object in the list of actions there. Still not as helpful as an in-product feature, but, provided you're somewhat comfortable looking at JSON, it could at least help you find the tiles you need to look at somewhat more readily than clicking on every tile.

    You could use this tool to format the JSON:

    Or, if you prefer not to paste that into a third-party site, this JS snippet (use the browser dev tools "Console" or some other JS interpreter) can help:

    console.log(JSON.stringify([paste clipboard contents here], null, 2));

  • AndreaHenderson
    AndreaHenderson Domo Product Manager

    Wanted to update you that we haven't lost sight of this and will be reviewing again soon.

    Domo Product Manager for Data Transformation (MagicETL)

  • I was hoping to hear this feature got added at Domopalooza, but unfortunately not yet. We at Ticketmaster/Live Nation would love to have this. @Andrea Henderson, can you please add this soon?

  • AndreaHenderson
    AndreaHenderson Domo Product Manager

    @user031170 This is on my shortlist of things I'm reviewing with the team. I heard a lot of good feedback and requests for this feature at Domopalooza as well.

    Domo Product Manager for Data Transformation (MagicETL)