Workbench Ideas

Workbench Ideas

Workbench Metadata

edited December 2023 in Workbench Ideas

I would love to have more metadata about my workbench jobs accessible in my Domo instance. A simple thing like being able to filter on "is this a workbench produced dataset" would be a huge thing for Instance Governance. Also having a dashboard to monitor workbench jobs and how they flow through Domo would be great for identifying jobs we can disable. Right now I do all of this manually and it is very hard to get exactly right.

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  • Domo Employee

    Agreed. Adding visibility to which datasets are powered by a workbench would be a big plus.

    Thanks @Ashleigh

  • Hey @Ashleigh

    The data governance datasets do have the ability to identify the dataset type (it's the data source type on the dataset.). You can just filter for 'workbench-odbc' to get the workbench odbc jobs. I use this to filter for additional governance checks I have in place. You can then utilize those filtered datasets to see which ones are inputs into dataflows or utilized on cards from the other governance datasets.

    With all of that said I would agree that some additional information about workbench jobs being in a governance dataset would be useful like the schedule of said job or possibly the query used to generate the dataset.

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  • I hope to see the Job ID in workbench metadata dataset via Domostats connector


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