Release Notes - What Changed

GrantSmith Coach
edited March 2024 in Global Ideas

Many times new releases add additional things which aren't documented and can silently break dataflows and metadata which we rely on to properly administer our instance. Can we get a list of things that have changed in the release to see what issues we might be running into when monitoring our instance? Could we also get this ahead of time to make sure we can prepare for the new releases?

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59 votes

In Progress · Last Updated

Continually looking for ways to share as much as we can responsibly with our users. Look for more information in the coming months.


  • YES PLEASE. Domo always highlights new thing but never small changes to existing things. These small changes can have HUGE impacts and we often don't find out until months later.

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  • This would be extremely helpful!

  • BLoosli
    BLoosli Domo Employee
    edited October 2021
  • Thanks @blool1 but that just highlights the new features that are coming out. It doesn't get into technical details about any of the underlying data changing - case in point there's a new activity log type called workbench_JOB which is now different than the old JOB type. When we've configured our data flows to look for the JOB for workbench jobs that's no longer the case causing the DataFlow to silently "fail" (it runs but the data is no longer correct). I'm looking for more detailed technical changes that would affect the administration of my instance.

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  • @DataMaven I know you had some examples of things that changed too, could you provide some here?

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  • @GrantSmith, I believe you are likely already aware of this, but posting here for everyone's reference. With Magic ETL v2's release, there are some help docs written to help introduce all that's included in the new Magic ETL as well as specific behavioral differences. I highly recommend reading the Upgrading to Magic ETL v2 article before converting production DataFlows to the new engine.

    What's new in the new Magic ETL?

    Things to know before converting? (i.e. potential gotchas and behavioral changes between the two engines):

  • Agreed! Even with alerts it can be difficult to monitor for unexpected changes in how the data is processed, for example. Many times I find out about releases only after an end-user brings them to my attention, which is not ideal because it can lead to distrust of the product and impact adoption.

    Just knowing when releases occur, which features may be impacted, and who to contact if there are issues would be extremely helpful.

  • This would be amazing! Even if it were gated behind a "Sensei" level or something along those lines, visibility into the changes would be so helpful in being a MajorDomo and managing our communities.

  • TheLookout
    TheLookout Contributor

    I disagree with gating the information.

  • Just commenting to boost this idea. This is a great idea and would be very helpful.

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  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    edited March 2024

    Domo loves to put out silent updates and not tell anyone. A perfect example is this new analyzer update where columns being used in Analyzer now have a drop-down menu. It is very buggy and does not seem to be applied to all instances. I now have one instance still with the X to remove the feature and one where you have to click the drop-down (if you can actually get it to work) and then click remove.

    Would be AWESOME if Domo has a place for ALL updates, perhaps in the Dojo? Where we could see small changes like this that do not get featured in the release notes.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    edited May 2024

    Agreed, This can tie in with to get release notes in general (for all things being released not just the major big flashy things).

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  • bdetcher
    bdetcher Contributor
    edited May 2024

    We've noticed this last update seems to have made accessing BeastModes a bit slower as well.

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    edited May 2024

    @bdetcher all of analyzer is slow for me, can't even get filters to apply.

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  • shaunq
    shaunq Member
    edited May 2024

    This update seems like a step backward. It makes removing fields much harder. If there's an additional drop-down menu it would be great to have an EDIT button (if it's a beast mode) right from the dropdown instead of having to go back to the field selector and re-find the beastmode already being used in the chart.

  • Viet
    Viet Member
    edited May 2024

    This update is definitely a step backwards in my opinion. I've asked my Domo rep to roll it back to the previous method.

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    edited May 2024

    @RobynLinden and I reached out to the Analyzer PM about this and he informed us an update should be coming soon.

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  • Completely agree! The last update with Analyzer on 9/16/2022 has caused a lot of issues.

    Some updates have been good but we have to stumble across them to know they are there.

  • Still a problem over one year later :(

    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    edited May 2024

    We love DOMO, and it would be SO helpful to have minor release notes when small things like this change! You may think that no one will read them, but trust me, THIS crowd will definitely read them!! I wish I could upvote this a million times.

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    edited May 2024

    Also notice that you can no longer drag in a column that is being used as a filter. Previously if I had a table I would always drag in columns that were being used in sort/filter (it's just faster then finding it in the list of columns). I am now noticing this no longer works.

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  • n8isjack
    n8isjack Contributor
    edited May 2024

    HUGE fans of Domo here... but who even asked for this? I don't get how it is better. It isn't easier. It isn't clearer. isn't the end of the world. But it is no small frustration I feel when using it now.

    I'm guessing there was a reason, but for my team this is not helpful.

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  • major_ace
    major_ace Member
    edited May 2024

    This might be a separate topic, but, I find it frustrating while editing a Dashboard that I have to exit to edit items, like Drill Paths, that I can edit the Card, Content, Remove it, but not actually get to the Edit Card menu options I have while NOT editing the dashboard.

    just my $0.02 worth...


  • BenSchein
    BenSchein Domo Product Manager

    I merged two threads around release notes and silent releases. I think many have heard me speak passionately about the need for continued transparency around releases for customers and also internally for our support teams on the front line. We have created new reporting for our support teams to have more visibility to our minor releases (which generally occur on tuesdays and thursdays). We are working on what the proper process is to share more of these publicly. In 2024, we have moved to 6 formal feature releases (up from 3 in prior years) and these include the more formal web notes ( ) and support release notes ( ) . We will continue to push for more transparency.

    Also sharing the attached PDF which I use to talk about our overall product lifecycle at Domo including security, QA etc.