APIs & Domo Developer

APIs & Domo Developer

window.addEventListener("message") does not trigger when card is clicked

Hi experts,

I have successfully built and ran the sample. My card is loaded.

Now I want to watch the event of card clicking and get out the selected data.

With the help of Domo, the event of message will be just work when card is clicked, or filter is changed, but nothing happened. I also tried to change column&value of filter which this sample provides, nothing happened either. The event of message is not triggered at all.

Checking the code, I think the problem maybe the ports has not been initialized. When the iframe is loaded with the src (specified in html definition), message should be triggered one time, then ports will be initialized. However, the event is not triggered at all.

Could you help what I missed? Thanks.

Please run the sample above to verify if it could work or not at your side.



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  • @amehdad , As said, this event is not triggered. no any error.

    I will try to contact support.domo.com. thank you for the suggestion

  • @amehdad , thank you. I gave it up finally. bad experience with Domo support.


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