Anyone ever received this error message ? "Domo encountered a maximum allowed usage exceeded "

Has anyone ever received this error message ? "Domo is ready, but Domo encountered a maximum allowed usage exceeded."


  • Hi, @DPeterson,


    I assume this error appeared when attempting to update a dataset from a connector? This could be because the API the connector is calling imposes limits on the number of calls allowed. Which connector is it? 



  • This message was occuring when I was trying to pull data using the Marketo connector.

  • @DPeterson,


    I myself haven't seen that problem with that specific connector, but I would still bet you're getting that error due to an API call limit. I would suggest reaching out to your Marketo account team and asking them about their call limits. If that doesn't help explain/resolve the issue, please reach out to Domo support.

