How to identify workflow initiator

I have numerous use cases where when a user initiates a workflow they will need to be sent a notification email, eg after an approval action, "Your request has been approved/rejected" or validating* a form input, "The email address is incorrect, Stuff@stuff is not valid".
The only way I can see to do this is to have a Requested By field on the start form and then send the notification to that form variable. Not a huge inconvenience but if the form has 20+ fields to complete and the users are experienced with SharePoint forms where current user identity is built-in this seems a retrograde step.
I'm surprised that the workflow engine has no output field of the initiator, unless I'm missing something here.

* I'm hoping form field validation is coming very soon, so checking such things as email address formatting, or a date selected is not in the past, is done in the form not in the workflow.

Best Answer

  • jaden.hoenes
    jaden.hoenes Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi John!

    We have a globally available "DOMO Workflow Executions" package that allows you to access some specific metadata about your workflow execution, including the user who started the workflow. This function is called "Get Executor".

    Let me know how that works out for you 😁


  • jaden.hoenes
    jaden.hoenes Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi John!

    We have a globally available "DOMO Workflow Executions" package that allows you to access some specific metadata about your workflow execution, including the user who started the workflow. This function is called "Get Executor".

    Let me know how that works out for you 😁

  • Thanks for confirming, I just found it myself.

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee

    Jaden was quick in the response, thank you Jaden!

    John, thanks for backing up my feedback to the team that this should be a "system variable" that just exists for every workflow…who started it, what time, how, etc…