How to change date fomat in the Data view

I m viewing the data from snowflake inside my dodmo dashboard.

when i clcick on data, i see the above, But i want to use different date format.

Can someone help


  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor

    Your best bet will be a transformation in Magic ETL or through a Beastmode, but it depends on your end goal.

    If using this while building a card in Analyzer, you can use Beastmode and this code to achieve it:


    If you can access Magic ETL, then you'll just use that same formula above within the Utility tile of "Add Formula"

    Let us know if this helps!

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    edited February 10

    That is just how dates a displayed when viewing dates in the data center. Build a card to view the date in a format that is more to your preference. Click on the Cards tab next to Data and create a table card. When you add a date field to the table card, you can configure how you want it displayed.

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