Help use a beast mode to dynamically filter a dataset

I have a beast mode that returns the name of the current day. I want to filter a dataset to show only the rows where the Day column in my dataset are equal to the name of the current day. Can someone help?

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You could create a beast mode that creates an include/exclude output and then drag this beast mode into your filters and filter to include.

    CASE WHEN DAYNAME(CURRENT_DATE()) = 'daycolumn' THEN 'Include' ELSE 'Exclude' END

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You could create a beast mode that creates an include/exclude output and then drag this beast mode into your filters and filter to include.

    CASE WHEN DAYNAME(CURRENT_DATE()) = 'daycolumn' THEN 'Include' ELSE 'Exclude' END

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