View older ETL version without making that version the active version

jimsteph Contributor
edited December 2023 in Magic ETL Ideas

I would like to be able to view older versions of ETLs without needing to make them active first. The way I envision it you would go to the Versions tab of an existing ETL and see a new menu item when you click on a version's ellipsis: View Version. Choosing this would open up that version of the ETL in read-only mode, allowing you to see how the older version worked. While in the older version the Save button would be replaced with Make Version Current. For bonus points allow the Copy To Clipboard function to work so you could bring older snippets back to the current version.

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  • WHM
    WHM Contributor

    I would throw in a create copy, so I can make a copy as a starting point for modifications. We still have some redshift dataflows that I want to convert to adrenaline. I do not want to start with a new dataflow because the output datasets have hundreds of beast modes. The redshift dataflow I am thinking of takes a day to run but could run in around 2 hours as adrenaline. The challenge is that the redshift SQL does not readily convert to ADR. I have ended up making a copy of the dataflow to convert and test after several attempts, but it would have been easier if I could have made a copy of my original attempt to convert after I was forced to revert back to redshift.