Facebook - Missing dates


Hi guys,

Im wondering has anyone noticed missing dates in the Facebook Ads Advanced Connector updates in the past few weeks. The report date value i have been using is UpdatedTime. I have actioned a full REPLACE daily but it still seems to be happening. Domo have told me it is on Facebooks end but it is notoriously difficult to receive again communication from them so if anyone is having this issue and found a way around it please let me know.





  • amehdad

    Hi @shielmunroe, has Domo Support confirmed that you have correctly configured all the steps for the Ads connector before you're experiencing missing dates? It would be worth having them on a call so you can step through your configuration settings, or ask them to review and run tests.

    As a separate point, I feel Support should be doing more with helping with the Connector. Please reach out to your Domo Customer Success Representative to see what more can be done from their end to support you on this case?