Interactive Filter limitations


Can we get interactive filter options that work like quick filters do?


For Dates I'd love to be able to just type in the date range as opposed to having to use the current option. Range selector is just not very functional.

For lists that could be in the hundreds, it would be nice to have search functionality


Also I'm having issue getting my slicers to order themselves correctly. I have a date range slicer beastmode:


when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 8 then '0 - 7 days'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 31 then '8 - 30 days'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 61 then '31 - 60 days'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 91 then '61 - 90 days'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 181 then '91 - 180 days'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 366 then '181 - 365 days'
else '+366 days'


And a dummy version to order them:

when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 8 then '1'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 31 then '2'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 61 then '3'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 91 then '4'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 181 then '5'
when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 366 then '6'
else '7'


But it isn't ordering based on the dummy version. It's ordering it as such (attached file)

If you know how to get it to order correctly please let me know.



  • ST_-Superman-_

    The filter cards always sort in either ascending or descending order based on the field it is displaying.


    I think a nice feature request would be to have to ability to sort these by another field.


    However, as a workaround, you could try using this as your beastmode:

    when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 8 then ' 0 - 7 days'
    when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 31 then ' 8 - 30 days'
    when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 61 then ' 31 - 60 days'
    when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 91 then ' 61 - 90 days'
    when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 181 then ' 91 - 180 days'
    when CURRENT_DATE()-`date` < 366 then ' 181 - 365 days'
    else '+366 days'

    By adding some spaces at the begining of the names, it should cause the fields to sort correctly now.

    “There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” -Superman
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